
Tenant Satisfaction Measures - Summary of publication requirements

This note summarises the Tenant Satisfaction Measure (TSM) information that all registered providers are required to publish on an annual basis.

Applies to England


Summary of TSM publication requirements (PDF)

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This information must be published in a manner that is timely, clear, and easily accessed by tenants.

The Transparency, Influence and Accountability Standard includes the required outcome that registered providers must collect and provide information to support effective scrutiny by tenants of their landlord’s performance in delivering landlord services. The Standard and the associated documents Tenant Satisfaction Measures: Technical Requirements and Tenant Satisfaction Measures: Tenant Survey Requirements include specific requirements for landlords to publish information on Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs). For more information see the ​Transparency, Influence and Accountability Standard.

Whilst the information below summarises some of our requirements, it remains our expectation that the full set TSM requirements are met. Some of these requirements first apply in 2025/26, so it is important for landlords to recognise these and publish the full information required. For example, the requirement to inform tenants of any methodological issues that may affect year on year results.

All registered providers must publish the TSM information summarised below. In addition to publishing TSM information to support tenant scrutiny, all registered providers that own 1,000 or more social housing units are required to submit TSM information to the regulator through the NROSH+ website.

TSM information landlords must publish Reference
All Tenant Satisfaction Measure results, using the specific description and calculation set out within the TSM Technical Requirements.

All registered providers that own relevant social housing stock must calculate and publish all TSMs on an annual basis. This includes TSMs generated from management information (CH01, CH02, NM01, RP01, RP02, BS01-BS05) as well as TSMs collected from tenant perception surveys (TP01-TP12).

Some TSMs have two elements, for example CH01 and CH02 include stage 1 and stage 2 complaints, RP02 includes emergency and non-emergency repairs, NM01 has all anti-social behaviour cases and cases that involve hate incidents. In every case both elements of the TSM must be published

For the smallest of providers with fewer than 1,000 social housing units, it may be difficult to protect the anonymity of individual tenants if TSM information is published in full. It is permissible for at least some TSMs to be omitted from published information if providers judge this to be a material risk.
TSM Technical Requirements, paragraphs 6-7, 22-23.
Target timescales used to generate repairs and complaints TSMs. Specifically:

- Every registered provider must report its target timescales used to generate TSM RP02 (Repairs completed within target timescale) for emergency and non-emergency repairs. This includes where there is more than one target timescale.

- If CH02 (Complaints responded to within Complaint Handling Code timescales) has been calculated using timescales which differ from those set in the Code, registered providers must publish the maximum timescales used alongside the TSM and clarify that these diverge from the standard timelines in the Complaint Handling Code.
TSM Technical Requirements, CH02 and RP02
All registered providers must publish a summary of the survey approach used to generate tenant perception measures. This must include at a minimum:

a. a summary of achieved sample size (number of responses)

b. timing of survey

c. collection method(s), with a rationale for why this was chosen

d. sample method

e. summary of the assessment of representativeness of the sample against the relevant tenant population, including reference to and, for providers that own 1,000 or more dwelling units, quantitative information on the characteristics against which representativeness has been assessed, as set out in the requirements

f. any weighting applied to generate the reported perception measures (including a reference to all characteristics used to weight results)

g. the role of any named external contractor(s) in collecting, generating, or validating the reported perception measures

h. the number of tenant households within the relevant population that have not been included in the sample frame due to the exceptional circumstances described in the requirements, with a broad rationale for their removal (as long as this does not breach requirements on protecting tenant confidentiality)

i. reasons for any failure to meet the required sample size requirements

j. type and amount of any incentives offered to tenants to encourage survey completion

k. any other methodological issues likely to have a material impact on the tenant perception measures reported. Where there are any material year-on-year changes in survey methodology, for example in survey collection method(s), a summary of these changes must be included with the reason for any such changes.

l. if the provider has undertaken any tenant perception surveys which include TSM questions but has not included these responses in the calculation of the TSMs. A rationale for why this information has been excluded must be provided.

m. Information on any visual features used alongside the required response options.

The summary of approach must be proportionate to the complexity of the sampling methods employed and must include sufficient information to enable reasonable assessment of the validity of the published tenant perception measures. The level of detail required from a relatively large provider applying weighting to responses is significantly greater than that required from a small provider employing a simple census approach. Small providers that own fewer than 1,000 dwelling units are not generally required to weight responses and are not required to include detail of the representativeness of the sample in their summary of approach.
TSM Tenant Survey Requirements, paragraphs 35 to 38 and Annex C.
All registered providers must publish the questionnaire(s) used to generate tenant perception measures, including any additional questions and introductory or explanatory wording communicated to tenants. TSM Tenant Survey Requirements, paragraph 36.

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Published 21 March 2025

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