The Agricultural Supply Chain Adjudicator (ASCA): rules and guidance
How the Agricultural Supply Chain Adjudicator operates and how to make a formal complaint or contact us in confidence.
The Agricultural Supply Chain Adjudicator (ASCA) enforces the Fair Dealing Obligations (Milk) Regulations 2024. The ASCA, acting on behalf of the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, will carry out the enforcement functions under the Regulations.
The regulations came into force in the UK on 9 July 2024, and they apply to all new contracts made for the purchase of milk from a producer.
There is a transition period of 12 months for existing agreements, after which all such contracts will need to be compliant with the Regulations by 9 July 2025.
The ASCA will investigate relevant complaints about milk purchase contracts raised by producers.
Where the ASCA finds that a purchaser has failed to comply with a requirement under the regulations, the ASCA may require the purchaser to pay a civil penalty or compensation or both.
The maximum amount of a civil penalty is 1% of the purchaser’s turnover, to be paid into the government’s consolidated fund.
Any unpaid civil penalty can be recovered as a debt.
The ASCA will also review the regulations within the first 5 years of them being made, and at least every 5 years after that, and publish a report setting out the conclusions of each review.
The ASCA will be committed to engaging with industry and making sure the Regulations are understood and complied with.
Updates to this page
A link to information about how to raise an issue with ASCA in confidence has been added
Updated the details section to say that the Fair Dealing Obligations (Milk) Regulations 2024 are now in place. They apply to all new contracts made for the purchase of milk from a producer. We have also added Welsh translations.
First published.