Approved Tachograph Centre (ATC) manual
A manual about becoming and operating an Approved Tachograph Centre (ATC) and a list of equipment that can be used.
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
The Approved Tachograph Centre (ATC) manual includes guidance on becoming an ATC and sets out the conditions of approval and requirements for their correct operation.
It also explains the requirements and responsibilities of the nominated technicians who install, inspect, calibrate and repair tachograph equipment.
Any ATC or nominated technician found in breach of any of these requirements may be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the manual.
The approved equipment for the testing of tachographs list provides details of the approved equipment that can be used at ATCs.
Updates to this page
Updated the list of approved equipment to include 3 universal brake tester tachograph add on kits by Phoenix Equipment Ltd.
Added a roller interface from Continental Automotive Trading Ltd to section 2 on the list of approved equipment for the testing of tachographs.
Added a tachograph chart analyser from Skillray to section 5 on the list of approved equipment for the testing of tachographs.
Updated approved model numbers for Stoneridge GNSS Repeater kit in section 12 Optional equipment and Stoneridge hand-held device in section 14 Dedicated short-range communications (DSRC).
Updated the list of approved equipment to include 3 approved roller brake tester add-ons by Skillray and 3 items of calibration certificate and plaque print software by Phoenix.
Added 2 approved roller brake tester tachograph calibration add on kits by Skillray. Updated approved software versions for calibration certificate and plaque print software by Stoneridge (CITO2) and Skillray (Webcal Software). Updated approved model numbers for programmer software variants by Stoneridge Electronics (all versions of Optimo) and Continental Automotive Trading UK Ltd (VDO Workshop tab 1C update).
Updated the list of approved equipment for the testing of tachographs.
Updated the list of approved equipment for the testing of tachographs to show compliance with the annex 1C standard.
Updated the list of approved equipment for the testing of tachographs.
Updated the approved equipment for the testing tachographs.
Uploaded 'The approved tachograph centre test equipment list'.
A new version of the manual has been published.
First published.