The CERS workbook
Vessels and shipping agents should use the CERS workbook to provide the information needed to the port authority.
The Consolidated European Reporting System (CERS) Workbook should be used by Masters, shipping agents and port authorities to provide mandatory port call, dangerous and polluting goods (hazmat) information, waste information and security information to the MCA.
If your shipping service:
- operates on a regular and scheduled basis
- meets the requirements of Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 725/2004
you may be eligible for exemption from providing security information prior to entry into a UK port.
Applications of exemption are made by email and must include:
- your regular scheduled route, including the UNLOCODE of the port facilities between which the service operates
- details of the vessel including name, IMO number, flag state and operator
- a copy of the International Ship Security Certificate
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uploaded new CERS3 Workbook - reduced file size
new workbooks uploaded
New workbook uploaded
Latest version of CERS workbook added (1.2.3)
Updated CERS workbooks.
Updated CERS workbooks
Updated wording
First published.