Complete routine immunisation schedule
Immunisation information for health professionals and immunisation practitioners.
The complete routine immunisation schedule from 1 January 2025.
The routine immunisation schedule was revised in January 2025 in order to clarify eligibility for the pneumococcal vaccination in people with an increased risk of aspiration as well as to reflect a change to the use of REPEVAX rather than Boostrix-IPV at 3 years and 4 months.
A range of translations in 32 community languages are also available to download as a PDF.
For older versions of the complete routine immunisation schedules, see the UK Government web archive:
Updates to this page
Updated to reflect a change to the use of REPEVAX rather than Boostrix-IPV at 3 years and 4 months.
Updated to in January 2025 in order to clarify eligibility for the pneumococcal vaccination in people with an increased risk of aspiration.
Updated for 1st September 2024 to reflect the introduction of maternal and older adults RSV programmes.
Updated to the July 2024 schedule due to changes in the prenatal pertussis (Tdap) and adolescent MenACWY vaccine programmes.
Added links to translated versions.
Updated schedule for HPV and shingles from 1 September 2023.
Added links to translations of the complete immunisation schedule from February 2022.
Added complete immunisation schedule from February 2022.
Added the complete immunisation schedule from June 2020.
Added the complete immunisation schedule from January 2020.
Added autumn 2019 schedule which includes the HPV universal programme.
Added the complete routine immunisation schedule from autumn 2018.
Removed HPV vaccination for MSM from the April 2018 schedule.
Added HPV for MSM vaccination programme to the spring immunisation schedule.
Increased font size on the PDF attachment to improve accessibility.
Revised complete immunisation schedule includes the new Infanrix hexa© vaccine for the infant programme.
Revised to include changes to the MenC programme and the shingles vaccine administration.
Updated schedule, including recent changes to MenC immunisation programme.
Routine immunisations from spring 2016 includes update to HPV dosage to 'two doses 6-24 months apart'.
Replaced with updated schedule from Spring 2016.
Updated schedule to clarify infant age ranges.
Improved schedule layout and formatting for clarity.
Added: the complete routine immunisation schedule from summer 2015 including the new MenB and MenACWY vaccines.
The Fluenz image has been replaced by Fluenz Tetra, as this is the vaccine that will be used this year.
More information about the availability of the flu vaccination for children.
First published.