
Annex 2: Role details of key personnel

Published 18 January 2019

This decision was withdrawn on

No longer current.

Matthew Jenner

Company Name Role Date
Mountstar (PTC) Ltd Director 02/01/09 – 22/01/10
03/06/10 – 26/11/10
03/12/10 – 10/04/14 [footnote 1]
HNW Tax Advice Partner 20/11/09 – 20/12/10
HNW Tax Services Partner 20/11/09 – to date
HNW Partnership Trust Partner/Trustee
Various dates
Romangate Ltd Director

Company Secretary
01/12/08 – 09/01/09
21/01/09 – 21/01/10
27/01/10 – to date
27/01/10 – to date

Anthony Mehigan

Company Name Role Date
Mountstar (PTC) Ltd Director 24/11/108 – 22/02/09
23/02/09 – removal
Romangate Ltd Director 24/11/08 – 09/01/09
10/02/09 – 10/02/10

Darren Stones

Company Name Role Date
Mountstar (PTC) Ltd Director 26/01/10 [footnote 2] – 22/04/13
Romangate Ltd Director 27/01/01 – 22/12/10
  1. Mr Jenner told the Commission’s 2010 investigation that he had stood down as a director temporarily in November 2010. 

  2. The Commission has an unsigned copy of a consent letter dated 26 January 2010 in the name of Mr Stones, which says he consents to act as a director with immediate effect. However, it was not clear if he signed the letter on 26 or 27 January. When complying with a section 47 direction in April 2015 Mr Jenner disclosed a schedule of appointments/resignations which shows Mr Stones as being appointed on 27 January.