The East Anglia Three Offshore Windfarm
Details of East Anglia Three offshore wind farm variation decision.
East Anglia THREE Ltd (EATL) submitted an application for development consent and associated Deemed Marine Licences (dML) for the East Anglia THREE Offshore Wind Farm (EA THREE) in November 2015, with consent granted by the Secretary of State (SoS) for the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) in August 2017. The 2017 Order granted consent for the development of an offshore wind farm with a gross output of 1,200 Megawatt (MW) (1.2 Gigawatt (GW)), located approximately 69 km off the coast of Suffolk. The 2017 Order consented up to 172 wind turbines and associated offshore infrastructure.
On the 22nd March 2019 the Marine Management Organisation received a request from Scottish Power Renewables Limited to vary the Deemed Marine Licences contained within Schedules 10-15 of the East Anglia Three Offshore Wind Farm Order 2017.
The MMOs decision was to vary the DML as detailed in the Notice of Variation, effective from 3 June 2019.