The Evaluation Task Force Strategy 2022-2025
A slide deck outlining the Evaluation Task Force's 3-year strategy to improve the quality and quantity of evaluation across HM Government.
A 2021 National Audit Office report outlined that much of the £1 trillion spent across HM Government is not evaluated. A 2022 Public Accounts Committee Inquiry report ‘Use of evaluation and financial modelling in Government’ found that departments are falling short of requirements on transparency and publication of findings.
Both reports set out a series of recommendations, including publishing a plan for improving the evaluation system across HM Government and measuring its impact.
The Evaluation Task Force has written this strategy to fulfil many of these recommendations. The strategy will offer clarity on the ETF’s mission, core objectives, and the main activities the team plan to deliver to meet these. It also includes an overview of ETF’s key stakeholders and how they can benefit from the team’s services.