The Government Response to the public consultation on the draft Legal Deposit Libraries (Non-print works) Regulations 2013
A public consultation was held in 2012 on revised draft regulations and impact assessments for non-print legal deposit.
A public consultation was held between 24 February and 18 May 2012 on revised draft regulations and impact assessments for non-print legal deposit. The draft regulations are designed to ensure that the legal deposit libraries can provide a national archive of the UK’s non-print published output.
The draft regulations in the most recent consultation reflected some key changes made in response to stakeholder feedback from the previous consultation in 2010-11 including a revision of the scope such that publishers are only obliged to deliver off line content and on line content that can be obtained through a web harvesting process.
The revised regulations also address non-print content that is substantially the same as a printed work, thus giving publishers the opportunity to deposit in a non-print format instead in these instances and reducing the costs to the publishing sector. In the recent consultation, DCMS primarily sought views on the parts of the regulations which had been revised and on the impact of the regulations.
The consultation responses provided general support for the policy objective of preserving the nation’s non-print published output and the proposed non-print legal deposit regulations were broadly welcomed. We intend to proceed with introducing the Legal Deposit Libraries (Non-print works) Regulations in April 2013, will be making a number of minor amendments to the proposed regulations in response to the consultation and will be seeking to clarify other relevant points in accompanying guidance.
The public responses to this consultation was published on the 4 September 2012 and are available to view on this website.
The Government response to this consultation is available below.
- The Government response to the draft Legal Deposit Libraries (Non-print works) Regulations 2013 consultation (PDF 145kb)
- The Government response to the draft Legal Deposit Libraries (Non-print works) Regulations 2013 consultation (RTF 561kb)