
How to get online access to NCTS

Updated 28 June 2024

When to use

You must use the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) for all eligible transit declarations as a legal requirement since 1 July 2005.

You can only use paper declarations:

  • when NCTS is unavailable
  • for private travellers with goods more than allowances

Access to NCTS

Connect by the NCTS web service

The NCTS web channel is a basic free service for traders who do not make many declarations. It allows communication with NCTS through HMRC online.

Any authorised employee or representative of a company can use it with:

  • a current EORI number registered with HMRC
  • a UK postcode linked to your EORI number

You need a computer with internet access and a suitable web browser.

Connect by Electronic Data Capture Service (EDCS)

You can use EDCS to enter goods for transit. This service has more advanced features for users with their own in-house or commercial software.

You need IT capability to make electronic declarations by Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to NCTS and to exchange messages with the system.

You also need a software solution to construct and translate the Electronic Data Interchange for Commerce and Transport (EDIFACT) messages for NCTS.

Community System Providers

Community Systems Providers cannot connect to NCTS.

Electronic declarations and arrival messages

If your software has been tested against UK NCTS, you can connect to the NCTS under the normal procedure without further authorisation to:

  • make transit declarations
  • send arrival notifications

You do not need a badge code or certification of registration to send NCTS messages to the system as, or on behalf of, principals or recipients and consignees.

If you plan to use EDI messaging to UK NCTS, contact the NCTS helpdesk first by email: This is to make sure HMRC have all of the identification data we need and the correct email address for EDCS.

Use of the paper Transit Accompanying Document (TAD) is now optional. Digital or electronic presentation of the transit Master Reference Number including linear barcode is acceptable.

If you wish to print the TAD at your premises, you must use a printer that can print barcodes. Otherwise, the printed TAD and list of items must be collected at the nominated office of departure.

Simplified procedures

You need approval to be an authorised consignor or consignee for community transit and to use the simplified procedure.

Use form C1343 to apply for transit and other simplifications.

For more information about authorised consignors and consignees, read part VI of the Transit Manual on the European Commission website.


The NCTS trader test team can verify email links to UK NCTS by EDCS trader office software. Software suppliers and individual traders developing their own solutions should email: for the test pack.

The NCTS software developers guide lists companies that have already developed or expressed an interest in developing software for the NCTS.

Use a digital certificate

If you have a current digital certificate, you can keep using it to access services until it expires. After then, you’ll need to either to get a new one or switch to using a UK Government Gateway user ID.

Getting started with NCTS web

Before you can start using NCTS, you’ll need to follow some steps.

1. Register

To access NCTS web, you need a Government Gateway user ID — if you do not have a user ID, you can create one the first time you register.

The first individual in an organisation who registers then enrols for an online service becomes the principal user for that organisational group.

Multiple people can enrol to use NCTS web for a single organisation.

Register as an ‘organisation’ type user account. You can then use the same user ID and password across all government online services.

If you already have a Government Gateway user ID for services as an ‘individual’ user, for example PAYE, Self Assessment or Council Tax, you will not be able to use that user ID for this service. Sign up for a new user ID representing your organisation or employer.

2. Enrol

After you’ve registered, you can sign in to HMRC online services.

To access the NCTS web, you must first enrol for the service. Enrolment is the process of requesting to use a government service. You do this by supplying some information about your organisation.

You can also use the site information services to personalise your homepage and request alerts to keep up to date with changes which may affect your business.

3. Activate

Activation is a process used by Government Gateway to confirm that services are only made available to authorised users.

4. Launch

This is the process used to make sure that your Guarantee Reference Number and access codes are registered with the NCTS helpdesk.

Once you’ve activated the service, you can access NCTS web by:

  • signing in to the HMRC online services
  • selecting the NCTS web service option
  • using your user ID and password or digital certificate

Data for multiple branches of your organisation

If you wish to submit data for individual branches, you must register each separately on the Government Gateway.


You can use a user ID from a range of browsers and computers. Keep your user ID and password secret, just as you do with your bank card and PIN.

The first time you sign in to the HMRC online services, you’ll need to set up shared secrets. You only need to do this once. HMRC may use these details to help identify you, if for instance you need advice over the phone.

HMRC will never ask you to disclose a complete shared secret verbally or online. We’ll only ask for certain characters from one of your ‘shared secrets’.

Known facts for NCTS web

You’ll be asked to give 2 known facts:

  1. Your EORI number.
  2. The UK postcode you gave to HMRC when applying for your EORI number.

If the known facts you’ve supplied are correct, you’ll get an acknowledgement. If they’re incorrect, you must verify them before proceeding.

If you’ve already been allocated an EORI number for identification on customs or statistical declarations, you can use that number.

If you want to check the details held by HMRC are correct, sign in to your HMRC Business Tax Account to check.

You must confirm any changes to these details in writing.

Solving problems

If you’re signed out while making a NCTS declaration, you may lose any unsaved data. Sign in again to check. You’ll need your user ID and password or digital certificate details.

Your sign in allows 15 minutes of inactivity for security. If you do not use the service within this period, your sign in will time out.

If your session times out, sign in again. You may have lost data not saved. You can save at any point and return later.

Unenroll your organisation

You can unenroll your organisation. Go back to the Government Gateway and sign in to access your services list page. Select the unenroll link against the service you no longer wish to use.

This action unenrolls your entire organisation. No one will be able to use the service after you do this. If you want to delete a Government Gateway user ID, sign in and follow the ‘manage users’ link to delete your own user ID.

How to delete a user

Your organisation can approve users and assistants. You can delete a user’s Government Gateway user ID to prevent them from signing in.

To delete an assistant, the peer user who created the user ID needs to sign in to the Government Gateway and follow the ‘manage your assistants’ link to delete the user.

To delete a peer, you’ll need a second peer user ID.

If you unenroll as a peer user, this will unenroll your whole organisation and users.

Contact HMRC

For further help or advice, contact the NCTS helpdesk.