FOI release

The number of British Overseas Citizens and British Protected Persons applying to become British Citizens

The number of applications received between April 2003 and March 2013 from British Overseas Citizens (BOe) and British Protected Persons (BPP) to become British Citizens



FOI release 27882

  • From April 2003 to 31st December 2009 the number of British Overseas Citizens (BOe) and British Protected Persons (BPP) applying to become British Citizens under Sect 4 B of BNA 1981 and from these applications the number granted British Citizenship.

  • From 1st January 2010 to date the number of British Overseas Citizens and British Protected Person applying to become British Citizens under Section 4B of BNA 1981 and from these applicants the number granted British Citizenship.

We released the information on 27 September 2013.

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Published 23 October 2013

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