The Port of Swansea (Tidal Lagoon) Harbour Revision Order
Information about the Port of Swansea (Tidal Lagoon) Harbour Revision Order
On 30 November 2015 the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) received an application from Tidal Lagoon (Swansea Bay) plc and Associated British Ports for The Port of Swansea (Tidal Lagoon) Harbour Revision Order.
The MMO determined that the order is not desirable in the interests of securing the improvement, maintenance or management of the harbour in an efficient and economical manner, or of facilitating the efficient and economical transport of goods or passengers by sea or in the interests of the recreational use of sea-going ships, and cannot be made. The MMO has therefore decided not to make the order applied for.
The applicants were notified of this decision on 25 July 2023.
Details of the MMO’s decision can be seen in the decision letters on this page.