
The UK Government's approach to Stabilisation: A guide for policy makers and practitioners

The guide brings together an extensive compendium of advice into an accessible ‘one-stop shop’ for those looking to understand how the UK ‘does’ stabilisation.



The Stabilisation Unit’s ‘UK Government’s Approach to Stabilisation: A Guide for Policy Makers and Practitioners’ brings together an extensive compendium of advice into an accessible ‘one-stop shop’ for both those policy makers and practitioners looking to understand how the UK ‘does’ stabilisation, as well as provide more detailed guidance on the political, security and justice, and service delivery aspects of stabilisation, and the interplay with actions to address transnational threats. The guide situates the UK’s latest analysis in the current policy landscape and sets out some of the dilemmas and trade-offs that simultaneously pursuing these policy goals entails.

Since the 2014 publication of the ‘UK Approach to Stabilisation’, the policy environment and national security priorities have changed, and the findings of the Iraq Inquiry and lessons learnt from Libya, Syria and elsewhere have further shaped and informed our understanding of what does and does not work in trying to reduce violent conflict and build stability. In creating the guide, the Stabilisation Unit has revised and updated the ‘UK Approach to Stabilisation’ and other elements of our existing guidance as well as developing new guidance material; providing a policy handrail for HMG colleagues and international partners, to better aid them in developing policy and programming that seeks to tackle conflict.

As the Guide makes clear stabilisation is not the only approach to preventing and reducing conflict and stabilisation interventions may often run simultaneously and overlap with other approaches, such as DFID’s Building Stability Framework.

In producing the guide, the Stabilisation Unit has consulted extensively across government and sought external challenge and input from our key international partners in the Stabilisation Leaders Forum, and the expert academic and think-tank community here in the UK. The guide once again demonstrates UK thought leadership in this space.

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Published 19 December 2018
Last updated 7 March 2019 show all updates
  1. The guide and separate chapters have been reformatted to reflect a new design. The content remains the same.

  2. First published.

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