The UK trade remedies system – practical guides for businesses
A handbook for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) interested in the UK trade remedies system and working with the Trade Remedies Authority (TRA).
The TRA’s guide for small and medium-sized businesses provides a comprehensive introduction to the UK trade remedies system and practical advice on how to work with the TRA.
As part of our SME hub, you can also access, view and download a range of factsheets on the TRA’s work and how you can work with us when applying for trade remedies.
Finally, our videos below offer a quick introduction to our work:
Introducing the UK Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) - a short explainer video about the UK Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) and how UK businesses can engage with it:
Introducing the UK Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) - YouTube
Verification in the UK trade remedies investigation process - an explainer on how we assess the data submitted to us as part of an investigation and what you need to do if you are participating in an investigation:
Verification in the UK trade remedies investigation process - YouTube
The TRA Investigation Process - a short explainer video about the TRA’s investigation process:
The TRA Investigation Process - YouTube
The UK TRA’s work with other government departments - a short explainer video about how the TRA works with other government departments:
The UK TRA’s work with other government departments - YouTube