The UK: your partner for patient safety
The NHS and other UK bodies constantly improve patient safety, expertise which can assist overseas partners to achieve safer care.
Patient safety is now recognised to be something that every healthcare professional must hold at the very heart of what they do.
This has progressively improved outcomes for patients and, crucially, reduced variation between different hospitals and doctors. This consistency across the NHS gives patients the confidence that whichever doctor they see, in whichever organisation, they can be sure to receive the highest standard of care, delivered in a safe manner.
In 2014 the Commonwealth Fund named the NHS as the number one health service for safe care amongst the 11 developed nations studied.
But it is not possible to be too safe. That’s why the NHS is aiming for a future where avoidable harm is prevented, where 100% of patients achieve the shortest, most uneventful hospital admissions, and where everyone achieves the best possible outcome.
This publication outlines some of the initiatives the UK is currently pursuing, and the organisations which are leading the way in standards of safety. The different sections also provide information on the partners who can best help you achieve your goal of safer, better healthcare.
Your simplest way of accessing this expertise is through Healthcare UK, the UK government’s specialists in international healthcare partnership working.
This was published originally by UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) which has since moved to the Department for International Trade (DIT).