The Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011 Post Implementation Review: RPC Opinion (Green rated)
Regulatory Policy Committee opinion on Defra’s The Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011 Post Implementation Review
The Waste Regulations 2011 transposed several aspects of the revised Waste Framework Directive (rWFD), with the aim to reduce the adverse impacts of the generation of waste and resource use on human health and the environment.
The RPC considers the post-implementation review (PIR) to be fit for purpose. The recommendation to keep some measures and repeal others is supported by proportionate evidence given the initial relatively low-level of estimated impacts of the measure. The PIR helpfully separates the elements of the regulations and discusses their objectives, original assumptions, progress against the objectives and any unintended consequences that have been identified from engagement with stakeholders. There are areas for improvement, including providing further justification for the approach taken and further detail on the survey ran by the Department including characteristics of respondents, and considering impacts on small and micro businesses.