A master's guide to the UK flag - large yacht edition
A quick-reference guide to UK regulations and procedures.
This guide mainly deals with issues specific to yachts, such as operations and manning standards, and what to do about them. It’s for:
- managers
- masters
- officers
- owners
of UK registered large commercial yachts, and covers the following:
- manning qualifications (such as CECs, STCW watch rating, medical certificates and discharge books).
- hours of work
- crew agreements
- official log books and their completion
- GMDSS logs
- health and safety (officials, committees and risk assessments).
- medical stores and care
- surveys, audits and ILO Inspections
- continuous synopsis records
- UK publications to be carried
- training
Updates to this page
A Master’s Guide to the UK Flag – Large Yacht Edition Summary of changes to Version 4 The following changes have been applied to version 4: - The latest version has been designed for electronic distribution, this version introduces links to supporting websites and documents. - The content now references the requirements of the REG Large Yacht Code (previously LY3). - Contact information for relevant MCA branches has been updated. - All references to M Notices and guidance documents have been updated to the latest available versions. Links provided for each. - Guidance for Non-STCW Yacht Master licence holders employed as Yacht Ratings added, see paragraph 1.3.2. - Additional guidance on training for stewards and persons preparing food in a galley for whom food preparation is not their primary role, see paragraph 1.4.3 - Requirements for Schedule of Shipboard Working Arrangements added, see paragraph 2.3. - Acceptance of electronic records of hours of rest added, see Paragraph 2.4.3 Schedule of Working Hours. - Guidance on Statutory Paid Leave added, see paragraph 2.7. - Guidance on Shore Leave added, see paragraph 2.8. - Accident Reporting changed to Marine Casualty and Marine Incident Reporting. MAIB Contact information updated. Links added for Accident Report Form (ARF). See chapter 9. - Shipowner’s Liability and Financial Security requirements added, see Paragraph 10.3. - Guidance on Alcohol and Drugs added, see chapter 15.
Updated Masters guide to UK Flag - large yacht edition 3 - September 2017
The Guide has been updated.
First published.