Towards a strong careers profession
This report sets out recommendations to establish and enhance the principles of professionalism in the careers sector.
Careers advisers and careers educators provide careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) programmes to young people in schools and colleges. They work in partnership, bringing together careers advisers’ specialist expertise with careers educators’ knowledge of the school context.
The Careers Profession Task Force was set up by the government to provide the vision for high-quality delivery of CEIAG and make recommendations on the actions needed to ensure careers professionals in England have the knowledge and skills required to enable young people to make informed decisions about learning and work pathways; and have the ability to manage and plan their career and personal development.
This report sets out 14 recommendations to establish and enhance the principles of professionalism in the careers sector. The advice in the report is based on an extensive programme of consultation and evidence gathering over the past year, as well as the shared expertise of task force members.