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Minutes of the third meeting between the TSD DAG and DBT, February 2024

Updated 26 April 2024

Executive summary

This was the third meeting of the Trade and Sustainable Development Domestic Advisory Group (TSD DAG) since the group was established in September 2022. The agenda included an overview and reflection of engagements in 2023, a forward look to 2024 led by the Department for Business and Trade (DBT), and an afternoon private workshop session for the TSD DAG.

Opening remarks

DBT’s Director of Trans-Pacific Negotiations and Policy welcomed the group. He thanked the group for their contributions and highlighted the productive relationship established between the DAG and the department to date. The TSD DAG Chair briefly outlined their objectives for the day and introduced the new members joining from techUK, TheCityUK, and the Fairtrade Foundation.  

DBT reflections on 2023 engagements

The session focused on reflections and lessons learnt from the TSD DAG and Civil Society Forum engagements in 2023. Progress against DBT’s objectives for the United Kingdom’s (UK) Civil Society Forum (CSF) was presented on as well as the key takeaways from the TSD sub-committees and CSFs held with the UK’s trade partners in 2023. The later discussion focused on key progress and next steps for the group and DBT’s approach to CSFs.

Key takeaways from the session included the importance of the TSD DAG’s role not only in the monitoring of Free Trade Agreement compliance, but also in the identifying of collaboration opportunities with the UK’s trade partners.  The group expressed a keen interest in DBT’s approach to TSD sub-committees and the research preparation process of the team. There was a discussion about the significance of cross-government engagement on recommendations put forward by the TSD DAG, both at CSFs and in writing. DBT fed back on the group’s specific questions following recent engagement with Australia.

DBT forward look for 2024 engagement

This session focused on DBT’s forward look to the year ahead (2024) and planning assumptions for TSD sub-committees and CSFs. The session highlighted the importance and value of further relationship-building with the TSD DAGs of partner countries, especially ahead of CSFs. There was also a focus on the benefits of DAG co-moderated sessions at CSFs along with DBT’s newly introduced policy consultation forms, allowing for expert input ahead of sub-committees.

TSD DAG Workshop

This was a private workshop for the TSD DAG involving discussions on cross-cutting priorities, strategic outputs for 2024, and record-keeping of TSD DAG activity.

Summary and closing remarks

DBT provided a short summary of the day and the discussion. The DAG Chair gave some closing remarks and thanked DBT for hosting the event.