Trade remedies notices: anti-dumping duty on bicycles and bicycle parts from Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Tunisia
Trade remedies notices published by the Secretary of State for International Trade relating to the anti-dumping duty on bicycles and bicycle parts from Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Tunisia.
The anti-dumping duty on bicycles and bicycle parts from Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Tunisia was imposed by the EU on behalf of the UK and the other member states. The Secretary of State for International Trade transitioned the anti-dumping duty to continue applying in the UK after the transition period.
A transition review of the anti-dumping duty will be initiated before 30 August 2024.
Updates to this page
Trade remedies notice 2024/03: exemption from the anti-dumping duty applied on certain bicycles parts from China imported by Winlong Garments Ltd’ added to the page.
The following have been added to the collection: ‘Trade remedies notice 2023/29: exemption from the anti-dumping duty applied on certain bicycles parts from China imported by the Martlet Group’, 'Trade remedies notice 2023/28: exemption from the anti-dumping duty applied on certain bicycles parts from China imported by MiRider' and 'Trade remedies notice 2023/27: exemption from the anti-dumping duty applied on certain bicycles parts from China imported by Frog Bikes Limited’.
'Trade remedies notice 2021/10: anti-dumping duty on bicycle parts from China (exemption)' removed as published in error. 'Trade remedies notice 2023/25: anti-dumping duty on bicycle parts from China (exemption and reimbursement)' added to document list.
Trade remedies notice 2023/24: suspension of anti-dumping duty on certain bicycle from China imported by Winlong Garments Limited added to documents list. This suspends application of the anti-dumping duty applied by Taxation Notice 2020/34 on certain bicycle parts imported by Winlong Garments Ltd.
'Trade remedies notice 2023/17: suspension of anti-dumping duty on certain bicycle parts from China imported by Frog Bikes Limited' published.
Taxation notice 2023/04 updated to include the correct additional code for MiRider Limited.
Addition of taxation notice 2023/04.
Commodity code 87 14 91 10 33 changed to 87 14 91 10 35 in commodity code listing under Category 2 goods (certain bicycle parts) in taxation notice 2020/34.
Added trade remedies notice 2021/10. Revised taxation notice 2020/34.
First published.