
Trade remedies notice 2025/6: anti-dumping duty on chamois leather originating from the People’s Republic of China

Updated 13 March 2025

This public notice was published on 13 March 2025 with effect from the day after the date of publication.

This public notice is published by the Secretary of State under regulation 101C(2)(a) of the Trade Remedies (Dumping and Subsidisation) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (“the Regulations”).

This public notice gives effect to the Secretary of State’s decision to accept the recommendation of the Trade Remedies Authority’s (TRA) to revoke the anti-dumping measure on chamois leather originating from China. The TRA has concluded that it is unlikely that injury would recur if the anti-dumping measure was no longer applied. This public notice supersedes Taxation Notice 2020/27.

1. Goods description

This public notice relates to chamois leather originating from China and exported to the UK (‘Goods’), which is:

  • chamois leather and combination chamois leather, whether or not cut to shape, including crust chamois leather and combination crust chamois leather

1.1 Revocation of anti-dumping duty on the Goods

The anti-dumping duty on the Goods given effect by Taxation Notice 2020/27 is revoked from 22 February 2024.

The Goods are classified under the following UK global tariff (UKGT) commodity codes:

  • 4114 10 10 00
  • 4114 10 90 00

1.2 Transition review TD0053: Transition review of anti-dumping duties of chamois leather originating from China

On 20 February 2024, the TRA initiated a transition review of the anti-dumping duty on chamois leather originating from China (notice of initiation TD0053).

1.3 Summary of the transition review

The TRA conducted the transition review in accordance with regulation 99A of the regulations.  

In accordance with regulation 99A(1)(a) of the Regulations, the TRA considered whether the dumping of the Goods would be likely to continue or recur if the duty was no longer applied (the “likelihood of dumping assessment”). In accordance with regulation 99A(1)(b) of the Regulations the TRA considered whether injury to UK producers of chamois leather would be likely to continue or recur if the anti-dumping duty was no longer applied (the ‘likelihood of injury assessment’).

The TRA did not identify any UK producers of chamois leather during the period of investigation. In the absence of UK production and the recommendation of revocation, there was no requirement for the TRA to conduct an economic interest test (EIT).   

Further information on the investigation can be found on the TRA’s public file.

1.4 Recommendation of the TRA

The TRA recommended that, from 22 February 2024, the anti-dumping duty on the Goods given effect to by Taxation Notice 2020/27 should be revoked entirely.

The TRA made the recommendation in accordance with regulation 100 of the Regulations and in accordance with regulation 100B of the Regulations.