Trade remedies notices: anti-dumping duty on cold-rolled iron and steel products from China and Russia
Trade remedies notices published by the Secretary of State for International Trade relating to the anti-dumping duty on cold-rolled iron and steel products from China and Russia.
The anti-dumping duty on cold-rolled iron and steel products from China and Russia was imposed by the EU on behalf of the UK and the other member states. The Secretary of State for International Trade transitioned the anti-dumping duty to continue applying in the UK after the transition period.
A transition review of the anti-dumping duty was initiated on 29 April 2021 under Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) case TD0011.
Following the TRA’s investigation, the Secretary of State for International Trade has accepted, and is giving effect to, a recommendation by the Trade Remedies Authority under regulation 101C(2)(a) of the Trade Remedies (Dumping and Subsidisation) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 that anti-dumping measures on certain cold rolled flat steel products be maintained at their current levels for 5 years from 5 August 2021.
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Addition of trade remedies notice 2022/04: anti-dumping duty on certain cold rolled flat steel products originating in the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation. Added publication date to Notice of determination 2020/10 and Taxation Notice 2020/10.
First published.