
Notice of determination: countervailing duty on certain rainbow trout originating in Turkey

Updated 30 November 2021

This notice was originally published on 31 December 2020.

Countervailing duty on certain rainbow trout originating in Turkey

28th February 2020

The Rt Hon Liz Truss MP and the Department for International Trade

Determination to transition trade remedies measure This notice is published under regulation 96(1) of the Trade Remedies (Dumping and Subsidisation) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019.

The Secretary of State for International Trade has determined the definitive countervailing duty on certain rainbow trout originating in Turkey imposed by the following EU instrument is to be transitioned:

Transition of EU trade remedies measure

This determination follows a Call for Evidence conducted by the Department for International Trade (DIT) to identify anti-dumping and countervailing duties imposed by the European Union (EU) that matter to UK industry.

The Call for Evidence asked UK producers of goods subject to EU trade remedy measures. whether they support, are neutral to, or oppose the continuation of those measures when the UK operates its independent trade remedies system. UK producers were also asked for data about their production and sales, which DIT used to assess whether the UK producers met the Call for Evidence criteria for transitioning a measure.

Effect of determination

The identified trade remedies measure will be transitioned so it will continue to apply when the UK begins operating an independent trade remedies system, once the UK ceases to apply the EU’s Common External Tariff.

A transition review will be conducted to assess whether the trade remedies measure is appropriate to the UK. The Trade Remedies Authority (or pending establishment, the Secretary of State) will assess whether the measure is necessary or sufficient to prevent or remove injury to UK industry and whether there would be injury to UK industry if it was no longer applied.

As a result, the trade remedies measure may be varied or revoked if the Trade Remedies Authority (or pending establishment, the Secretary of State) recommends doing so following the transition review.

Please note the trade remedies measure will not be transitioned if the EU terminates the measure before the UK begins operating an independent trade remedies system, once the UK ceases to apply the EU’s Common External Tariff.

The Rt Hon Liz Truss MP

Secretary of State for International Trade