
Trade remedies notice 2024/08: safeguard measure: tariff-rate quota on steel goods

Updated 30 September 2024

This public notice is published by the Secretary of State under subsection 13(4) and sub-paragraph 21(7) of Schedule 5 to the Taxation (Cross-border Trade) Act 2018 and makes provision giving effect to the recommendation of the Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) made in accordance with regulation 37(1) of The Trade Remedies (Increase in Imports Causing Serious Injury to UK Producers) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (“the Regulations”) and entitled TQ0052 - Non-alloy and other alloy hot-rolled sheet and strip from United Kingdom.

Summary of the TRQ review

In accordance with regulation 35B of the Regulations, the TRA have conducted a Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) review of the UK’s Steel Safeguard trade remedy measure, as there is information to show that there has been a change in circumstances since the application of the TRQ. The change in circumstances under review is evidence of the quota – and specifically the residual quota – being repeatedly exhausted across four consecutive quarters, which has had an adverse impact on UK importers, stockists and distributors.

In addition, the TRA have found evidence of a change in demand for the import of Category 1 steel products used for downstream processing into other product categories. In accordance with regulation 35B the TRA have therefore considered whether the amount and allocation of the tariff-rate quota is appropriate for domestic market conditions.

The period of investigation for the review to assess the change in circumstances was 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023. The representative period for assessing traditional trade flows was the calendar years 2017 to 2019.

The TRA’s recommendation

In accordance with regulation 37(1) of the Regulations, and as a result of the determinations made pursuant to regulation 35B of the Regulations, the TRA made the following recommendation to the Secretary of State of Business and Trade.

The TRA recommended that the TRQ on Category 1 goods of the Safeguard measure be varied by amending Category 1 to form Categories 1A and 1B. Category 1A should retain the country allocations and quota amount established in trade remedies notice  2024/06: safeguard measure – tariff-rate quota on steel goods (trade remedies notice 2024/06) where the total quota amount is around 1 million tonnes, allocated to the EU, Turkey, Taiwan and a residual pot.

Category 1B should be for use by businesses importing goods for downstream processing. For Category 1B, the quota amount should be increased to 132% above the current Category 1 TRQ to around 2.3 million tonnes and should be allocated on a global basis. In addition, so as to bring more stability to the market, prevent crowding out and hence ensure that the effectiveness of the measure is not undermined by market developments, the TRA recommended to introduce a 40% cap on exports per quarter under the Category 1B TRQ for an individual country or territory.

The resulting TRQ allocations for both steel categories are shown in the respective year 7 and year 8 TRQ allocation tables below. The allocations made in this notice supersede the category 1 allocations in trade remedies notice 2024/06.

The TRA have made this recommendation as a result of the change of circumstances and their consideration of the facts which are set out in their final recommendation and further evidenced in the public file for case TQ0052.

Secretary of State’s decision on the TRQ review

This public notice gives effect to the Secretary of State’s decision under regulation 38(1) of the Regulations to accept the TRA’s recommendation on the TRQ review of the UK’s Steel Safeguard trade remedy measure. The Secretary of State has accepted the recommendation while having regard to the public interest. This notice is made under section 13(4) of the Taxation (Cross-border Trade) Act 2018.

The varied measure shall take effect the day after the date of publication of this public notice.

Duty amount

The additional amount of duty (‘safeguard duty’) applicable to steel goods imported outside of the quota is 25% ad valorem.

The safeguard duty is applicable to the net free-at-the-frontier price of the good (before any other amount of import duty).

The application of the steel safeguard measure with respect to category 1A and 1B goods originating in Ukraine remains suspended from 1 July 2024 until 30 June 2026, as originally implemented by trade remedies notice 2024/06.


The tariff-rate quota applies from 1 October 2024 to 30 June 2026.

Description of the goods to which this notice relates

The tariff-rate quotas for category 1A and 1B steel products apply to the goods described, or imported under a commodity code specified below.

Goods description

Non alloy and other alloy hot rolled sheets and strips.

Commodity codes

  • 72081000
  • 72082500
  • 72082600
  • 72082700
  • 72083600
  • 72083700
  • 72083800
  • 72083900
  • 72084000
  • 72085210
  • 72085299
  • 72085310
  • 72085390
  • 72085400
  • 72111300
  • 72111400
  • 72111900
  • 72126000
  • 72251910
  • 72253010
  • 72253030
  • 72253090
  • 72254015
  • 72254090
  • 72261910
  • 72269120
  • 72269191
  • 72269199

Category 1A quota amount and allocation

The steel safeguard category 1A quota is divided into 7 quarters over 1 year and 9 months and specifies the amount of steel goods that may be imported free of safeguard duty in any given quarter.

Right to access the quota

The right to access the quota is granted by His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to importers in the United Kingdom and is administered on a first-come, first-served basis.

Importers must cite the relevant order number set out in the annex when applying to HMRC to access a particular quota.

Limited access to unused quota in the next quarter

Any unused quota allocated for steel goods originating in a country or territory remains available in the next quarter for steel goods originating in that country or territory. Any unused balance may cumulate within the year.

Open access to unused quota in quarter 4 of each year

Importers of steel goods originating in a country or territory with an exhausted quota allocation for the year may, only in quarter 4 of that year, apply for the right to use any remaining quota allocated for steel goods originating in all other countries or territories. This only applies for steel goods imported during quarter 4.

Quota amount and allocation for year 7 cat 1A

The tariff-rate quota applies from 1 October 2024 to 30 June 2025, in tonnes (t), allocated quarterly. The steel safeguard category 1A year 7 quarters are:

  • quarter 2: 1 October 2024 to 31 December 2024
  • quarter 3: 1 January 2025 to 31 March 2025
  • quarter 4: 1 April 2025 to 30 June 2025
Country Q2
1 October to
31 December
(in tonnes)
1 January to
31 March
(in tonnes)
1 April to
30 June
(in tonnes)
EU 187,484 183,409 185,446
Turkey 24,616 24,081 24,349
Taiwan 13,704 13,407 13,556
(all others)
23,587 23,074 23,331
Total 249,391 243,971 246,682

Quota amount and allocation for year 8 cat 1A

The tariff-rate quota applies from 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2026, in tonnes (t), allocated quarterly. The steel safeguard category 1A year 8 quarters are:

  • quarter 1: 1 July 2025 to 30 September 2025
  • quarter 2: 1 October 2025 to 31 December 2025
  • quarter 3: 1 January 2026 to 31 March 2026
  • quarter 4: 1 April 2026 to 30 June 2026
Country Q1
1 July to
30 September
(in tonnes)
1 October to
31 December
(in tonnes)
1 January to
31 March
(in tonnes)
1 April to
30 June
(in tonnes)
EU 193,109 193,109 188,911 191,010
Turkey 25,355 25,355 24,804 25,079
Taiwan 14,116 14,116 13,809 13,962
(all others)
24,295 24,295 23,766 24,030
Total 256,875 256,875 251,290 254,081

Category 1B quota amount and allocation

The steel safeguard category 1B quota is divided into 7 quarters over 1 year and 9 months and specifies the amount of steel goods that may be imported free of safeguard duty in any given quarter.

Right to access the quota

The right to access the category 1B quota is administered by HMRC to importers in the United Kingdom on a first-come, first-served basis. Access to the quota is limited to goods declared for an authorised use procedure in accordance with the Customs (Special Procedures and Outwards Processing) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018.  The  ‘authorised use’ is defined below.  

Category 1B is allocated via a single global safeguard quota, with a 40% cap on exports per quarter for any individual country or territory. Once the single global safeguard quota is exhausted, the out-of-quota 25% duty will apply to all imports, regardless of whether a country or territory’s total quarter or annual cap allocation has been reached. Once a country or territory’s total quarter or annual cap allocation has been reached, the out-of-quota 25% duty will apply to all imports from that country or territory, regardless of whether the global quota limit has been reached.

More information on how to access the quota can be found in the footnotes attached to the measure on the online tariff tool.

Limited access to unused quota in the next quarter

Any unused quarterly allocation of the global safeguard quota may cumulate within the quota year. Similarly, any unused cap allocation for any individual country or territory may cumulate within the year. At the end of the year, after quarter 4, the quota balance and the cap allocation for any individual country or territory will reset.

No individual country or territory is guaranteed access up to the total cumulated cap allowance. The global quota is administered on a first-come-first served basis and the global quota balance will be distributed accordingly.

Authorised use

To access the quota, goods must be declared for an authorised use procedure in accordance with the Customs (Special Procedures and Outward Processing) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018.

The authorised use  is the process of transforming Category 1 steel products into those steel products listed in the table below:

Steel product Commodity codes
Non alloy and other alloy cold rolled sheets 72091500, 72091690, 72091790, 72091891, 72092500, 72092690, 72092790, 72092890, 72099020, 72099080, 72112320, 72112330, 72112380, 72112900, 72119020, 72119080, 72255020, 72255080, 72262000, 72269200
Metallic coated sheet 72102000, 72104100, 72104900, 72106100, 7210690020, 7210690080, 72109080, 72122000, 72123000, 72125020, 72125030, 72125040, 72125061, 72125069, 72125090, 72259100, 72259200, 72259900, 72269910, 72269930, 72269970
Organic coated sheets 72107080, 72124080
Tin mill products 72091899, 72105000, 72121090, 72101100, 72107010, 72124020, 72101220, 72109040, 72101280, 72121010
Gas pipes 73063041, 73063049, 73063072, 73063077
Hollow sections 73066110, 73066192, 73066199
Other seamless tubes 73041910, 73041930, 73041990, 73042300, 73042910, 73042930, 73042990, 73043120, 73043180, 73045181, 73045189, 73049000, 73043950, 73043982, 73043983, 73043988, 73045982, 73045983, 73045989
Large welded tubes 73051100, 73051200, 73051900, 73052000, 73053100, 73053900, 73059000
Other welded pipes 73061100, 73061900, 73062100, 73062900, 73063012, 73063018, 73063080, 73064020, 73064080, 73065021, 73065029, 73065080, 73066910, 73066990, 73069000

More information on how to import under category 1B can be found on the online tariff tool.

Quota amount and allocation for year 7 cat 1B

The tariff-rate quota applies from 1 October 2024 to 30 June 2025, in tonnes (t), allocated quarterly. The steel safeguard category 1B year 7 quarters are:

  • quarter 2: 1 October 2024 to 31 December 2024
  • quarter 3: 1 January 2025 to 31 March 2025
  • quarter 4: 1 April 2025 to 30 June 2025
Country Q2
1 October to
31 December
(in tonnes)
1 January to
31 March
(in tonnes)
1 April to
30 June
(in tonnes)
40% cap (Maximum quota amount sourced from any individual country or territory, before incurring safeguarding duty) 231,435 226,405 228,921
Total 578,587 566,013 572,302

Quota amount and allocation for year 8 cat 1B

The tariff-rate quota applies from 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2026, in tonnes (t), allocated quarterly. The steel safeguard category 1B year 8 quarters are:

  • quarter 1: 1 July 2025 to 30 September 2025
  • quarter 2: 1 October 2025 to 31 December 2025
  • quarter 3: 1 January 2026 to 31 March 2026
  • quarter 4: 1 April 2026 to 30 June 2026
Country Q1
1 July to
30 September
(in tonnes)
1 October to
31 December
(in tonnes)
1 January to
31 March
(in tonnes)
1 April to
30 June
(in tonnes)
40% cap (Maximum quota amount sourced from any individual country or territory, before incurring safeguarding duty) 238,380 238,380 233,197 235,787
Total 595,950 595,950 582,993 589,468

Goods excluded

Exclusion for steel goods originating in signatory countries or territories

All steel goods originating in a signatory country or territory specified below are excluded from:

  • the quota amount allocated for all other countries or territories
  • the application of the safeguard duty

Signatory countries or territories

  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Barbados
  • Belize
  • Bahamas
  • Dominica
  • Dominican Republic
  • Grenada
  • Guyana
  • Jamaica
  • Kenya
  • Mozambique
  • St Kitts and Nevis
  • St Lucia
  • St Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Trinidad and Tobago

Limited exclusion for steel goods originating in developing countries or territories

Except for steel goods in a goods category originating in a developing country or territory annotated with that goods category, any steel goods originating in a developing country or territory specified below are excluded from the:

  • quota amount allocated for all other countries or territories
  • application of the safeguard duty

Developing countries or territories

The developing country exemptions applied to category 1 via trade remedies notice 2024/06 continue to apply to category 1A and 1B. Developing countries granted an individual country quota under category 1 will be maintained under category 1A, and countries subject to the category 1 residual quota will continue to be subject to the residual quota under category 1A.

All developing countries or territories exempt from category 1 will be exempt from category 1A and category 1B. All countries or territories who are not exempt from category 1 will not be exempt from category 1A or category 1B. For the sake of certainty:

  • India are subject to the category 1A residual quota (058002) as well as the 1B global quota
  • Turkey benefit from their own country specific category 1A quota (058967) as well as the 1B global quota

Annex 1: Category 1A order numbers for importers to access the tariff-rate quota on steel goods

Goods category Origin country or territory Order number
1A European Union 058001
1A Turkey 058967
1A Taiwan 058085
1A All others 058002

Annex 2: Category 1B order numbers for importers to access the tariff-rate quota on steel goods

Goods category Origin country or territory Order number
1B Global See online tariff tool