Transparency data
Third meeting of the Trade Specialised Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, 11 October 2023: agenda
Updated 18 October 2024
1. Article 75: import conditions and procedures, Article 73: general principles and Article 78: adaptation to regional conditions
- trade of seed potatoes and undepurated live bivalve molluscs from class B waters
- updating of GB country lists and certification requirements
- pet travel – part I listing and update on UK commercial movement of pets safeguard measures
- triangular trade – products of animal origin (POAO) of EU origin
2. Article 74: certification
- highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI): movement of day-old chicks from HPAI restricted areas
- GB model certificates: frequency of modifications, alignment of animal health requirements with World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) recommendations, EU single entity
- germinal products
- acceptance of e-certificates for imports into the UK (GB)
3. Article 77: transparency and exchange of information and Article 80: notification and consultation
- UK Border target operating model (TOM): updates on the TOM, chilled meats, medical food and feed
- availability of consolidated versions of SPS legislation applicable in the UK
- transparency regarding modifications of import conditions and procedures (model certificates, risk categories and certification requirements)
- UK’s plans in relation to the retained EU legislation in the SPS area
- cooperation and information sharing on food safety incidents
- vaccination against avian influenza
- new genomic techniques and precision breeding – EU and UK updates on respective policy developments
- information on the planned introduction of country-listing requirements for the import of certain animal products into the EU in relation to the use of antimicrobials
4. Article 82: multilateral international fora, Article 84: cooperation on animal welfare and Article 85: cooperation on antimicrobial resistance
- cooperation on animal welfare: exchange of views
- cooperation in SPS multilateral fora: stocktaking and future opportunities
- technical discussions on antimicrobial resistance