Research and analysis

Traineeships: evaluation

Findings from surveys of the traineeships programme.

Applies to England


Traineeships: impact evaluation

Traineeships: year 2 process evaluation

Traineeships: first year process evaluation


Reports examining the impact of the traineeships scheme, which launched in 2013.

The impact evaluation estimates the effect of taking part in a traineeship on the three intended outcomes, which are progress into:

  • an apprenticeship
  • further learning
  • employment

The process evaluation reports look at what employers and trainees think of the traineeships scheme, and how effective it has been.

Updates to this page

Published 11 March 2015
Last updated 19 June 2019 show all updates
  1. Added document 'Traineeships: impact evaluation'.

  2. Added 'Traineeships: year 2 process evaluation' report.

  3. The full report was published.

  4. First published.

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