Transforming the criminal justice system: strategy and action plan
The 'Criminal justice system 2014 to 2015: strategy and action plan' is an update on the version published last year.
Last year’s plan started from a simple premise that all parts of the criminal justice system (CJS) should be working towards achieving the same set of outcomes. These are to:
- reduce crime
- reduce reoffending
- protect the public
- provide victims with reparation
- increase public confidence
- ensure that the system is fair and just
This updated plan features 3 key priorities to continue the transformation we started last year. These are to create a CJS that:
- cares for, and considers the needs of, victims and witnesses
- is digital
- does things faster and right first time.
There remains a strong focus on other actions which will contribute to the transformation of the CJS, such as ensuring that there is an enhanced response to certain priority crimes - cyber crime, modern slavery, hate crime and domestic and sexual violence.
Implementing the reforms in the plan can only be achieved in partnership. The Criminal Justice Board, comprising senior representatives from across the CJS, is committed to delivering the actions in the plan.