Transitional arrangements - CMA's proposed approach: CMA14
Explains the transitional arrangements for the CMA’s continuation of certain CC and OFT investigations and work.
This guidance is for businesses and their advisers. It explains the transitional arrangements for the continuation by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) of certain investigations and work that was being undertaken by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) or the Competition Commission (CC) as at 1 April 2014. This is the date when the responsibility for this work and these investigations transferred to the CMA.
Part 1 covers:
- mergers
- market studies and market investigations
- administrative penalties
- cost recovery in telecoms price control references
- variation and termination of merger, monopoly and market undertakings and orders
Part 2 covers:
- Competition Act 1998 cases
- regulated industries
- consumer protection
- cartels