
Transfer of conditions: caseworker guidance

Immigration staff guidance on deciding applications to transfer a visa to a new biometric residence permit.


Transfer of conditions

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This guidance tells caseworkers how to consider transfer of conditions (TOC) applications made in the UK.

The transfer of conditions process (ToC), is an administrative process by which a person with limited leave to enter, or limited leave to remain with no identity document can update their biographic information and/or photograph. They will be invited to attend a VAC (visa application centre) appointment to enrol their biometric details.

Updates to this page

Published 12 August 2013
Last updated 27 November 2024 show all updates
  1. Updated to reflect the removal of BRPs and the new eVisas.

  2. Updated the content in the details section.

  3. Updated guidance to reflect that biometric residence permits (BRPs) will no longer be issued.

  4. Updated guidance published: hyperlinks updated in sections ‘Curtailment team referrals’ and ‘Status review unit (SRU) referrals’.

  5. Updated guidance.

  6. Updated guidance.

  7. First published.

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