Corporate report

Treasury Solicitor's Department annual report and accounts 2013 to 2014

Treasury Solicitor's Department annual report and accounts 2013 to 2014: for the year ended 31 March 2014.


TSol annual report and account 2013 to 14 (web version)

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TSol annual report and account 2013 to 14 (print ready)

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Our annual report and accounts describes how we have delivered against our objectives, our expenditure and other matters of parliamentary and public interest, including our sustainability report.

Key elements include:

  • our financial performance during the year and the financial position at the year end
  • our progress with setting up a shared legal service
  • our progress implementing the priority projects in the Civil Service Reform Plan
  • how we have met our objective to deliver a high quality legal service to our clients
  • how we have supported our people through training and career development
  • our strong performance against the three performance measures agreed with HM Treasury (client satisfaction, full cost recovery and Lexcel accreditation)

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Published 15 May 2014

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