Tree Health Pilot (THP) case studies for the proactive management of spruce (Ips typographus)
Learn how the THP can help proactively manage spruce, including felling, restocking and maintaining newly planted trees within the proactive spruce removal area in the south-east of England.
Applies to England
Two case studies looking at how Tree Health Pilot (THP) grants helped manage or fell spruce trees, restock woodland and maintain newly planted trees.
These relate to the eight-toothed spruce bark beetle being present within the Ips typographus demarcated area in the south-east of England, known as the ‘proactive spruce removal area’.
Hole Park Estate
Key facts include:
- location: Kent
- land type: Norway spruce plantation and other remnant spruce around estate from old Christmas tree plantations
- area: 1.13 ha plantation and 185 individual spruce trees (Norway, Serbian and blue) across a 907 ha estate
- area restocked: 1.13 ha
- species restocked: oak, wild service, field maple, hornbeam, Scots pine, yew, wild cherry, holly, hawthorn, blackthorn
- grants applied for: felling, biosecurity, restocking, maintenance
- timeframe: 12 months from expression of interest to completion of felling and restocking
Key facts include:
- location: East Sussex
- land type: peri-urban countryside house and garden
- number of hectares: 0.14 ha Norway spruce in 2.6 ha garden
- number of trees restocked: 100
- species restocked: hornbeam, small-leaved lime, hazel, oak, birch
- grants applied for: felling, restocking, maintenance
- timeframe: 6 months from expression of interest to completion of felling