
Tree health pilot scheme 2023

The tree health pilot (THP) scheme grants help slow the spread of tree pests and diseases. This guidance is for applicants and agreement holders in 2023.

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The tree health pilot (THP) scheme 2023 is now closed for new applications.

Read the latest information about applying to the current tree health pilot scheme which is open for applications.

Applies to England



The tree health pilot (THP) scheme 2023 is now closed for new applications.

This guidance is for those who applied in 2023 and THP scheme 2023 agreement holders.

Read the latest information about applying to the current tree health pilot scheme which is open for applications.

The tree health pilot (THP) scheme 2023 is testing different ways of slowing the spread of pests and diseases affecting trees in England.

It expands on support available through the Countryside Stewardship Woodland Tree Health grant.

There are grants available for:

  • larch trees with Phytophthora ramorum
  • spruce trees affected by Ips typographus
  • sweet chestnut trees with Phytophthora ramorum or sweet chestnut blight
  • oak trees with oak processionary moth (OPM)
  • ash trees with ash dieback

Check the supporting documents for details on what the grants cover and who’s eligible to apply.

The pilot runs from August 2021 to 2024. It will help develop the future funding policy for tree health schemes.

Application forms

Updates to this page

Published 7 February 2023
Last updated 16 February 2024 show all updates
  1. 'Tree health pilot scheme for 2023 is now closed for new applications' added to page with a link to the current tree health pilot page, which includes guidance for 2024.

  2. Under general grant requirements, general information has been added about VAT. On 'Ash with ash dieback - who is eligible', definitions of local authorities have been added. Also, the table for larch has been updated, so individual larch applicants now matches the group column. On the 'Grants for oak with oak processionary moth (OPM)' page: ‘Trees must be in the Established Area in London and the South East' has been replaced with ‘Oak trees must be in the OPM Established Area.’ On 'Grants for larch, spruce and sweet chestnut' a link has been added to case studies to show how the Tree Health Pilot grants have helped support the proactive management of spruce trees in the Ips typographus (eight-toothed bark beetle) demarcated area.

  3. Added link to 'Biosecure Procurement Requirement Pilot for plants and trees' into attachment on Grants for restocking trees requested by SME,

  4. Clarified that 'Cleankill' is Cleankill sanitising spray.

  5. The 'Grants for ash with ash dieback' guidance has been updated and extended to include an example grant application. Changes have also been made to eligibility and the application process. The 'Grants for oak with oak processionary moth (OPM)' guidance has been updated to include a new package of biosecurity items and more information on the expected timeframe to complete an OPM management plan. The biosecurity kit in the 'Statutory Plant Health Notice (SPHN) advice package' guidance has been updated.

  6. Added link to SPHN advice package grant funding agreement terms and conditions on SPHN advice package grant funding agreement attachment.

  7. First published.

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