Statutory guidance

Tree health pilot scheme: grant funding agreement and terms and conditions

You must read and agree to the terms and conditions set out in this document to apply for the tree health pilot scheme.

Applies to England



Before you apply for the tree health pilot scheme, you must read and agree to the relevant terms and conditions.

Read the tree health pilot scheme grant funding agreement and terms and conditions, with the relevant date.

Read the Tree health pilot scheme: oak processionary moth grant funding agreement and terms and conditions for oak with OPM grants, for local authorities.

Read the Tree health advice package: grant funding agreement terms and conditions for the advice package.

You can find previous terms and conditions on the National Archives.

Updates to this page

Published 8 October 2024
Last updated 6 December 2024 show all updates
  1. Terms and conditions (from 2 December 2024) updated to show changes to lead facilitator role. The lead facilitator will no longer be the single agreement holder for the group. They will need to submit an application form for each group member, including themselves. Each group member will have their own agreement with the Forestry Commission and receive their grant funding directly. Also link added to National Archives for previous terms and conditions.

  2. First published.

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