Tree health pilot scheme: expression of interest forms
Complete the relevant expression of interest (EOI) form if you want to take part in the Forestry Commission’s tree health pilot scheme.
Applies to England
Complete the ‘Tree health pilot: expression of interest form’ for the Forestry Commission’s tree health pilot scheme for:
- larch trees with Phytophthora ramorum
- spruce with a statutory plant health notice (SPHN) for Ips typographus (eight-toothed spruce bark beetle) or that are growing in the proactive spruce removal area
- sweet chestnut trees with Phytophthora ramorum or sweet chestnut blight
- oak trees with oak processionary moth (OPM)
Complete the ‘Tree health pilot: ash with ash dieback expression of interest form’ for the Forestry Commission’s tree health pilot scheme: grant for ash with ash dieback.
Email your completed form to
Before you apply
Read the tree health pilot scheme grant funding agreement and terms and conditions.
Updates to this page
Have updated page to include a link to the tree health pilot terms and conditions. Corrected an error on THP EOI form: question 4.3. The second option now reads; "Ips typographus Demarcated Area outside proactive spruce removal area "
The tree health pilot: ash with ash dieback expression of interest form is now available.
The expression of interest forms will be available by the end of September 2024. You can sign up for email alerts at the end of this page to get notified.
Inserted a new option regarding location of IPS in section 4.0
Section 1 now includes options to describe the role of the person completing the form. Section 10 now includes a new section 'What happens next'. Link to tree health guidance changed from 2022 to 2023 guidance.
Added 'OPM biosecurity capital items (fixed, standard cost package)' to Section 6: Grant activity options.
Expression of interest form updated for February 2023.
Phytophthora ramorum in larch and Phytophthora ramorum in sweet chestnut added to section 4.0, and section 4.2 has been removed.
Section 6 Grant Activity Options: 'group facilitation' 'OPM group facilitation' OPM management plan and 'OPM survey' added in as options on the expressions of interest form
First published.