Benefits of timber: resources from other organisations
Published 10 March 2025
These resources contain advice from environmental and forestry organisations outside of the Forestry Commission.
Timber uses and why we fell trees: Forestry England
Forestry England sustainably manage the nation’s forests to produce over a million tonnes of timber each year. Read about why they fell trees and how they end up in your home:
From tree planting to wood products: Confor
Watch this short animated film showing the link between tree planting and the wood products in our home and surroundings.
Watch: Animating Forestry
The power of sustainable forests: TedX Talks
Kathy Abusow shares how well managed forests provide products and benefits that help society at large. A reminder of all the many things forests provide, from air, water to beds
Watch the TedX Talk: The power of sustainable forests.
Coniferous plantations: Wildlife Trusts
Coniferous plantations can support species that would otherwise be absent from the landscape. Read about coniferous plantations.
Market insight: Forest Research and Tilhill Forestry
The latest National Statistics on timber price indices produced by Forest Research on 14 November 2024 show how timber prices have increased.
The UK Forest Market Report by Tilhill Forestry gives an in-depth look at the country’s commercial forestry and woodland investment market.
Further resources on commercial forestry
Read more about how landowners can benefit from commercial forestry.
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