
Tri-service regulations for expenses and allowances (JSP 752)

JSP 752 is the policy document for expenses and allowances for regular and reserve UK armed forces personnel.

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Directed Letter – Allowance and Expense Arrangements in Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Brexit delays form


Joint Service Publication 752, tri-service regulations for expenses and allowances, is the authoritative publication for all service expenses and allowances.

It is designed for use by all service personnel, their line managers and specialist administration staffs, to determine entitlement to expenses and allowances.

Updates to this page

Published 11 January 2017
Last updated 29 October 2021 show all updates
  1. Addition of 'Directed Letter – Payment of London Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) charge with effect from 25 October 2021'.

  2. Removed out of date forms and added: Allowances and Expenses arrangements during the COVID-19 Pandemic (amalgamated July 2021).

  3. Added: Directed Letter - Allowance and expense arrangements in response to Coronavirus (COVID-19) - (Update 4).

  4. Added: Directed Letter - Operational allowance, campaign continuity allowance, and concessionary travel for immediate families interim arrangements in response to COVID-19.

  5. Added the following directed letters: 1. Directed Letter - Local overseas Allowance, overseas private vehicle provision policy from 1 April 2021 (including all Annexes) 2. Directed letter: COVID-19 testing (1 March 2021) including Annex A 3. Reverse school children's visit (COVID-19) form 4. Directed Letter - School children's visits (SCVs) - enhanced interim arrangements in response to coronavirus (COVID-19) for service personnel assigned overseas - update 2 - including Annex 5. Directed Letter - continuity of Education Allowance (CEA) - regulatory flexibility in response to coronavirus (COVID-19) - (Update 2) - (dated 23 February 2021) with Annex A, Annex B and Appendix 1 to Annex B as separate HTML pages.

  6. Added: Directed Letter - involuntarily separated status for service personnel being assigned overseas. Regulatory flexibility in response to coronavirus.

  7. Updated: Directed letter for COVID-19 testing.

  8. Added directed letter: COVID-19 testing, Annex A to directed letter COVID-19 testing, directed letter on EU Exit and the Brexit delay form.

  9. Added: UK Stranded Family Accommodation (COVID-19) - Form, Reserve school children's visit (Covid-19) - Form, Directed Letter - School children's visits (SCVs) - enhanced interim arrangements in response to coronavirus (COVID-19) for service personnel assigned overseas - update 1 and Annex.

  10. Added new directed letters.

  11. Addition of: Directed letter - involuntarily separated status for service personnel being assigned overseas. Regulatory flexibility in response to coronavirus.

  12. Added: Directed Letter: Continuity of education allowance (CEA) - regulatory flexibility in response to coronavirus (COVID-19) - (including Annex A and B and Appendix 1 to Annex B) and deleted 2 out of date documents.

  13. Removed Directed letter: UK private arrangements self-help scheme (UKPASH) in response to coronavirus (COVID-19), Directed letter: school children's visits for overseas-assigned service personnel - interim arrangements during period of COVID-19 border restrictions, Directed letter: school children's visits (SCVs) interim arrangements in response to coronavirus (COVID-19), and JSP 752. Added Directed letter (DL): school children’s visits (SCVs). Enhanced interim arrangements in response to coronavirus (COVID-19) for service personnel assigned overseas.

  14. Addition of: Directed letter - continuity of education allowance (CEA) – detailed advice for the administration of repayments of CEA brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

  15. Addition of: Directed letter - operational allowance interim arrangements for extraction of coronavirus (COVID-19) positive cases.

  16. Addition of: JSP 752 -Tri-Service regulations for expenses and allowances.

  17. Addition of: directed letter - school children's visits for overseas-assigned service personnel - interim arrangements during period of COVID-19 border restrictions.

  18. Updated: Directed letter (update 1) - continuity of education allowance (CEA) - regulatory flexibility in response to coronavirus (COVID-19).

  19. Addition of, 'Directed letter – UK private arrangements self-help scheme (UKPASH) in response to coronavirus (COVID-19)'.

  20. Added 5 directed letters in response to coronavirus.

  21. Updated Tri-service regulations for expenses and allowances (JSP 752) added.

  22. Addition of updated JSP 752 -Tri-Service Regulations for Expenses and Allowances April 2020.

  23. Updated JSP 752: tri-service regulations for expenses and allowances with version 41 for January 2020.

  24. Updated the JSP 752 for October 2019.

  25. Updated the page with the latest version of JSP 752.

  26. Added JSP 752: tri-service regulations for expenses and allowances (version 38).

  27. Updated JSP to version 37.

  28. Added an updated version.

  29. Updated the JSP 752 with the latest edition.

  30. Updated the JSP 752, Tri-Service Regulations for Expenses and Allowances document to version 35.

  31. Updated JSP 752 -Tri-Service Regulations for Expenses and Allowances.

  32. Updated both parts of JSP 752 to version 33.0.

  33. Updated both parts of JSP 752 to 'version 32.0, October 2017'.

  34. Updated both parts of JSP 752 to 'version 31.0, July 2017'

  35. Updated both parts to version 30.

  36. First published.

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