Tuberculosis (TB) in England: surveillance data
Information on the number of tuberculosis cases and rate of TB in England.
This data shows the number of tuberculosis (TB) cases and rate of TB in England by region, age group, place of birth, ethnic group, site of diseases, trends in culture confirmation, drug resistance and treatment outcomes.
PHE collects this data through the Enhanced Tuberculosis Surveillance system (ETS).
These figures include TB rates for England:
- by Public Health England centre
- by parliamentary constituency
- by site of disease
- by local authority
- by clinical commissioning group (CCG)
Updates to this page
Added updated surveillance data tables.
Updated documents to reflect new data.
Added Open Document Spreadsheet for national TB surveillance data tables for England: 2000 to 2017.
Updated documents to reflect new data.
Updated documents with 2015 data.
First published.