
Tuberculosis testing in Malawi

Updated 5 October 2023

You must get a medical certificate from the International Office for Migration (IOM) to confirm that you are free from infectious TB.

Your test must be from a clinic approved by the Home Office and you will need to obtain an IOM medical certificate confirming that you are free from TB. We will not accept a TB test certificate from a clinic we have not approved.

You do not need a certificate if you:

  • are a diplomatic passport holder travelling on official business or on a posting to the UK
  • qualify for an exempt visa
  • are applying for a certificate of entitlement

Approved clinic

International Organization for Migration (IOM)

International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Sogecoa Golden Peacock Hotel Complex, Area 13
Plot No.97



  • +265 9999 62921
  • +265 9999 62922


Online registration:

Operating hours: Monday to Thursday, 8am to 12pm

Closed on national holidays.

Attending the clinic

To arrange your medical examination, please call the clinic or walk in to book an appointment at least 10 weeks before your travel to allow processing in case you may require further testing after the initial examination. You should make it clear you need the test for a UK visa application.

You’ll be given a chest x-ray to test for TB. If the result of the x-ray is not clear, you may also be asked to give a sputum sample (phlegm coughed up from your lungs).

If your test shows that you do not have TB, you’ll be given a certificate which is valid for 6 months from the date of your x-ray. Include this certificate with your UK visa application.

What you should bring with you

  • a valid passport/UNHCR registration documents/alien card
  • two recent passport size photos (not older than 6 months at the time of examination, with your hairline, both ears and the neck visible on a white background)

The test

The initial examination will include a chest x-ray for applicants aged 11 years and over. Additional tests may be requested if the chest x-ray shows any abnormalities.

The medical certificate will issued within 24 hours of the examination if everything is normal, otherwise you will be given further instructions by the IOM staff.

Female applicants may be requested to undergo a pregnancy test if they are not sure of their pregnancy status.

If you are travelling with children aged 10 and under, you must complete a questionnaire for each child. They must be examined by the physician before a certificate is issued.

Test fees

11 years and above Below 11 years
150 USD 75 USD

Payment must be made before the medical examination in US dollars (USD) or Malawian Kwacha (MKW).

Proof of your scheduled appointment should be presented to hospital staff when you attend your examination.


Your appointment will be scheduled only after confirmation of payment by the bank. A message will then be sent to you confirming the details of your booking. You must make your payment to the following bank:

Name of bank: ECO Bank Malawi
Account holder: IOM Regional Office for Southern Africa
Account number: USD: 5467500003245 or MKW 5467500004982
Address: Corner Victoria Avenue and Henderson Street, Private Bag 389, Chichiri Blantyre 3
Malawi contact person: Asiedu Charles or Rehema Mbang’ombe

The cost of the test is in addition to the visa application fee.

The test fee does not cover treatment if you have TB.

Step-by-step procedures

  • the medical examination will be processed on Tuesdays (chest x-ray) and on Wednesdays (physical exam)
  • all visa applicants must attend the clinic for the assessment with all the required documents
  • the initial examination will include a counselling session and signing a consent form
  • applicants aged 10 and under will go through a medical examination by the physician before a certificate is issued
  • applicants aged 11 and above will have a chest x-ray done; applicants will then be reviewed by the doctor with the chest x-ray result before a certificate is issued
  • additional sputum smears and cultures medical procedures may apply in case of abnormal chest x-ray findings and could take up to 8 weeks to get the final results
  • a TB clearance certificate will be issued to the applicant on the day of the examination if the examination result is considered free of active pulmonary TB disease
  • if you do not return within 7 days for sputum collection, you will not get a TB clearance certificate
  • you will be given further testing or told to contact your own health care provider if the examination results are abnormal but the abnormality is not related to TB disease
  • the TB clearance certificate expires 6 months from the chest x-ray date if you had a chest x-ray done, or 6 months from the physical examination date if you don’t need a chest x-ray
  • the TB clearance certificate is valid for 3 months if you have been in contact with a family member with active pulmonary TB
  • female applicants may be requested to undergo a pregnancy test, in case there is uncertainty as to whether they may be pregnant
  • pregnant applicants can decide not to get a chest x-ray examination and instead either give sputum for a TB test on 3 consecutive mornings or delay the TB screening until after giving birth

Read more information on TB screening requirements for people applying for a UK visa in countries where TB is common.