Tunstall Dyke, Norfolk catchment: proposal for designation change
Updated 26 July 2019
Applies to England
1. Consultation now closed
The Rationalising the Main River Network (RMRN): Norfolk De-maining Pilot Proposals consultation has now closed.
This proposal for change to the Statutory Main River Map has been withdrawn.
The below is a record of the original notice of the proposed change.
2. Details of proposed change
The Environment Agency proposes to remove the stretch of the Tunstall Dyke watercourse in the Norfolk catchment that is currently designated as ‘main river’. This change represents a ‘determination’ under section 193C(1) of the Water Resources Act 1991. A determination is a formal decision to change the main river map.
The proposed determination is that the Tunstall Dyke, Norfolk catchment (MRV_100020), between national grid references (NGRs) TG 42009 09038 and TG 43231 09552, which is currently designated as main river, should be re-designated as ordinary watercourse.
The change would mean that the local Internal Drainage Board, Broads Internal Drainage Board, would have powers to carry out work to manage flood risk for this section of the watercourse. The change would mean that the Environment Agency would no longer have any permissive powers to carry out works on this section of the watercourse. The change would also affect how the watercourse is regulated. If you wanted to carry out works in or next to the watercourse, you might have to get consent from Broads Internal Drainage Board.
This change is part of Rationalising the Main River Network (RMRN): Norfolk De-maining Pilot Proposals consultation.
3. How to view the proposed changes
You can see the proposed change on the main river map.
The proposed change is shown as a ‘deletion’ a red line on the map.
You can view the proposals via our online consultation.
Or you can view the main river consultation map at:
Environment Agency
Dragonfly House
2 Gilders Way
4. Your chance to comment
You can comment on the proposals via our online consultation.
You can request a printed version of the consultation document and the consultation response form by emailing PSOENS@environment-agency.gov.uk
or write to:
RMRN Pilot
Environment Agency
Dragonfly House
2 Gilders Way
You need to submit your response to the online consultation or send your comments to the Environment Agency by midday on 21 December 2018.