Types of regulated qualifications
The types (or descriptions) of regulated qualifications that you can apply to develop, deliver and award.
Applies to England
This document sets out the different descriptions of regulated qualifications that you can apply to be recognised for.
Updates to this page
Updated the titles on the 'Qualifications descriptions' page from: '6 - Information and Communication Technology (ICT)' to '6 – Digital Technology', '6.1 - ICT for practitioners' to '6.1 – Digital technology (practitioners)' and '6.2 - ICT for users' to '6.2 – Digital technology (users)'.
Added information on 'Non-statutory guidance on Sector Subject Areas (SSAs)'.
Added 'Digital Functional Skills' to the list of Regulatory Qualification Types.
Qualifications description information updated.
Removed an out-of-date reference to the QCF.
First published.