Policy paper
UK airspace policy: a framework for the design and use of airspace
Setting out the policy principles for the government's approach to support modernisation of the way UK airspace is managed.
This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
Ref: ISBN 978-1-5286-0087-3, CCS1017228396 10/17, Cm. 9520
PDF, 1.91 MB, 31 pages
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Ref: ISBN 978-1-5286-0087-3, CCS1017228396 10/17, Cm. 9520
PDF, 1.93 MB, 36 pages
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This is the government response to the Reforming policy on the design and use of UK airspace consultation.
The government will implement proposals, including:
- a new Secretary of State call in power on airspace changes of national importance
- changes to aviation noise compensation policy
- the creation of the Independent Commission on Civil Aviation Noise (ICCAN) as a new non-departmental public body
- a new requirement for options analysis in airspace change
- new metrics and appraisal guidance to assess noise impacts and their impacts on health and quality of life
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Published 24 October 2017