Policy paper

Joint vision statement on bilateral cooperation between Austria and the UK

Published 20 November 2023

This was published under the 2022 to 2024 Sunak Conservative government


The Federal Minister for European and International Affairs of the Republic of Austria and the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs of the United Kingdom (in the following: “Sides”), considering the long-standing good cooperation and friendly relations between the United Kingdom and Austria,  recognising the importance of stepping up bilateral cooperation to tackle common challenges in such fields as foreign and security policy, trade, economy, youth, skills and education, technology, science and research, culture, illegal migration, energy security, climate and environment, 

With the understanding that our cooperation is consistent with, and benefits from, the wider UK-EU relationship, the Windsor Framework and Austria’s membership of the EU, both sides see the positive development of that relationship as supportive of our bilateral efforts,  

Intend to enhance existing dialogue formats and exchanges on bilateral, European and international issues of common interest by a comprehensive strategic partnership, as follows: 

I. Deepening cooperation in strategic areas  

A. Foreign and security policy 

1.  Foreign policy priorities/regional issues 

Both Sides are committed to preserving the principles of territorial integrity, sovereignty and peaceful cooperation between States on the European continent.  

We condemn Russia’s illegal and unprovoked invasion in Ukraine and stand united in solidarity with Ukraine, and its recovery and reconstruction.  

We will work together on: 

  • supporting Ukraine as it defends itself against Russia’s aggression for as long as it takes, and to holding those responsible to account, including through sanctions and the International Criminal Court
  • mitigating the negative global consequences resulting from the Russian war of aggression

We will continue our close cooperation and alignment on the Western Balkans, promoting stability and prosperity in this crucial European region, including crisis management efforts of EUFOR and KFOR. We will further support reform efforts in the region to reach tangible progress on the rule of law, democratic and socio-economic reforms to take the region forward on its path towards European integration. We will address the malign influence and disinformation, which hinders progress.  

We will work together on strengthening security on the European continent in the face of growing geopolitical tensions and complex threats, including in the OSCE.  

2. Security cooperation 

Both Sides aim to further develop exchanges and cooperation on security-related matters including at the operational level of law enforcement. We will work closely together on priority areas as agreed by our relevant interior ministries for future cooperation (“Joint Statement between the Federal Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Austria and the Secretary of State for the Home Department of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on enhancing cooperation in the field of internal security, migration, and transnational crime”, signed 2 November 2023).  

3. Cooperation in multilateral fora   

As long-standing and active members of the United Nations with strong credentials in the promotion of human rights and other forms of multilateral engagement, both Sides intend to: 

  • promote democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, emphasising joint priority areas such as media freedom, safety of journalists, promoting gender equality and combating discrimination including on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, freedom of religion and belief, and the protection of women and children in conflict situations 
  • continue to work together to defend and strengthen multilateral institutions, international norms and rules and global free trade
  • strengthen our coordination and cooperation on UN and global issues, focusing on shared priorities within Vienna-based International Organisations, such as security, energy, the fight against organised crime and corruption as well as nuclear non-proliferation
  • share assessments on the threat of terrorism and exchange views on multilateral counter terrorism efforts
  • support the increase of dialogue between international organisations, including the Council of Europe, United Nations, and the OSCE to strengthen their partnership with a view to achieving better synergies on global priorities
  • maximise mutual benefit from Austria’s Partnership for Peace with NATO as well as Austria’s participation in the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy
  • building on the bilateral cyber dialogues the UK and Austria will continue to work together in the UN process related to international cyber security with the aim of promoting the observance of the UN framework of responsible state behaviour in cyberspace, as well as in the area of cybercrime
  • exchange views on issues related to Tech Diplomacy in different multilateral fora (e.g. UN, HRC, ITU, UNESCO) including digital cooperation and global governance of new and emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence or quantum technologies, with a view to promoting a human rights based approach to new and emerging technologies, an open, free, global, interoperable, reliable, and secure internet and the multistakeholder system of internet governance 

B. Global issues 

1. Energy, climate and green growth 

Both Sides are committed to reaching net zero and limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees celsius, in line with our commitments under the Paris Agreement by focusing on innovative, safe, and sustainable economic solutions (“green economy”). We intend to collaborate on issues including: 

  • promotion of green finance and of development, investment, trade and other economic opportunities related to climate-friendly technologies
  • energy transition, especially the expansion of renewables (such as wind energy), and developing the green hydrogen economy
  • energy security through diversification of energy sources, and independence from Russian hydrocarbons
  • encouraging collaboration on renewable energy research, such as green hydrogen
  • exchanging experiences and best practices on electric mobility and energy efficiency 
  • supporting development of renewable energy and green skills
  • increasing global ambition and commitments to deliver action and finance on climate change adaptation, supporting countries and communities to build resilience to climate impacts, and helping to avert, minimise and address climate-related losses and damages
  • addressing barriers to increasing climate adaptation finance and improving access for the most vulnerable
  • increasing diplomatic efforts to address climate change and other environmental issues, and aiming to halve global emissions by 2030, by supporting the respective international treaties and mechanisms (climate diplomacy)

2. Economic cooperation 

Both Sides recognise the importance of economic openness and free trade to global growth and development and intend to intensify cooperation on international economic policy and using the relevant provisions of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement. This includes:  

  • strengthening our economic partnership and the exchange of information between our respective government institutions, regulators and organisations to strengthen bilateral economic cooperation, increase the volume of our bilateral trade and investment, including trough encouraging professional mobility, and to discuss any bilateral obstacles which may hinder the development of economic and trade cooperation between Austria and the UK
  • reducing risk by strengthening our economic security, including building resilience into our supply chains and ensuring our investment screening regimes protect our critical technologies from being used in ways that threaten international peace and security
  • encouraging bilateral business collaboration and private investment, through the facilitation of commercial business partnerships to promote direct dialogue and awareness of business opportunities 
  • identifying opportunities to build closer economic links in key sectors including technology, defence, cyber and the digital economy, skills and education, life sciences and healthcare, green growth, infrastructure and future mobility

3. Culture, education, research science and technology 

Both Sides recognise the added value of people-to-people links and the many existing cultural, linguistic as well as skills, education- and science/technology-related exchanges, as laid down among others, in the Cultural Convention from 1953 between the UK and Austria. In order to enhance and intensify contacts and links of friendship, in particular between young and professional people, the UK and Austria will maintain a dialogue with a view to supporting: 

  • cooperation between higher education, universities, research institutions, researchers and research groups, including on research security
  • student exchange and career guidance, in secondary, further and higher education,  
  • collaboration on vocational training for young adults
  • exchange of educational and other information in the prevention of antisemitism - especially in the light of the brutal and indiscriminate terrorist attacks of Hamas across Israel since 7 October 2023 - and of all forms of discrimination and radicalisation, as well as joint initiatives in these fields
  • cultivating people-to-people links by nurturing platforms for maintaining relationships 
  • exchanges on possibilities to deepen the bilateral partnership on foreign policy related issues of new and emerging technologies, including possible cooperation agreements, as well as to strengthen the capacities on tech diplomacy
  • exchange of information on activities in the field of science diplomacy 

II. Enhancing strategic dialogue and coordination 

Both Sides intend to step up existing channels of dialogue to generate a coherent diplomatic approach, as well as continued political support and aligned strategic cooperation.  

The Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom and the Federal Minister for European International Affairs of the Republic of Austria will have overarching responsibility for this Joint Vision Statement. In order to give strategic direction and evaluate progress, Ministers will aim to meet annually.  

In addition, both Sides intend to continue regular consultations between the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the UK (FCDO) and the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs of Austria on areas of mutual interest at senior government official level, alternating biannually between the UK and Austria. 

Furthermore, both Sides are committed to sharing best practices by promoting secondments between the FCDO and the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs. 

III. General provisions 

At the request of either Side, this Joint Vision Statement may be reviewed or modified by mutual consent. Any such modification will be in writing and would come into effect on a date to be decided by mutual consent. This Declaration is not legally binding and does not give rise to any rights or obligations under domestic or international law. It will come into effect on signature and will continue in operation until terminated by either Side giving six months written notice of termination. This Joint Statement is without prejudice to the Republic of Austria’s obligations stemming from its EU membership. 

London, 20 November 2023  

The Rt Hon David Cameron, Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Alexander Schallenberg, Federal Minister for European and International Affairs of the Republic of Austria