UK aviation forecasts 2017
2017 forecast of UK air passenger demand and aviation carbon dioxide emissions to 2050.
A 2017 update to the Department for Transport’s aviation demand forecasts. It sets out the updates and developments made to the model and the resulting forecasts of air passenger demand and aviation carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions out to 2050. The primary purpose of these forecasts is to inform long-term strategic aviation policy.
The 2017 UK forecast updates the Department for Transport’s 2013 UK aviation forecasts.
The passenger demand and air transport movements (ATMs) data provides further detailed information to complement that already presented in the aviation forecasts 2017 report. It contains data for each modelled airport for every year of our model (2016 to 2050). This data must not be used unless the explanatory note in the ZIP file has been read first.
Updates to this page
Figure 4.5 and associated commentary in the 'UK aviation forecasts 2017' guidance document corrected.
Headings in table 72 and 73 of the 'UK aviation forecasts' PDF and data spreadsheet corrected to read as distance flown in million kilometres.
'UK aviation forecasts 2017: passenger demand and air transport movements data for each modelled airport' published
First published.