Research and analysis

UK breeds at risk from exotic animal disease outbreaks

Farm animal genetic resources (FAnGR) list of at-risk breeds of cattle, horses and ponies, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry; criteria and definitions.



The list is published by Defra with advice from the UK Genetics for Livestock and Equines (UKGLE) Committee.

These farm animal and poultry breeds are at particular risk in the event of an outbreak of exotic disease in the UK.

For a breed to be included it must:

  • be a native breed
  • be eligible for inclusion in the UK National Breed Inventory
  • have a population of registered breeding females below 3,000 (1,500 for pigs; 1,000 for poultry)

Further information is available about the Definition of a breed for the purpose of the UK National Breed Inventory and Evidence that proves a breed meets the definitions.

You can read more information about the work of the UK Genetics for Livestock and Equines Committee.

Updates to this page

Published 1 July 2012
Last updated 30 August 2024 show all updates
  1. Removed Highland (3,060) from UK Breeds at Risk (BAR) list.

  2. Updated the figures on the UK breeds at risk (BAR) list for cattle, sheep, goats and pigs. References to the Farm Animal Genetic Resources Committee (FAnGR) have been updated to the UK Genetics for Livestock and Equines Committee (UKGLE). The following breeds have been added to the BAR list: Shetland Mainland, Shropshire, Wiltshire Horn to the sheep list and Dartmoor Hill Pony to the equines list.

  3. We have updated the UK breeds at risk list (BAR) list for cattle, sheep, goats and pigs.

  4. On the attachment 'UK breeds at risk list (BA)' - added English goat to '7.1 Breeds in transition to native status'.

  5. Updated the UK breeds at risk list (BAR) list for cattle, sheep, goats and pigs.

  6. We added the following breeds of cattle to the UK breeds at risk list: Aberdeen Angus, Dairy Shorthorn and Hereford.

  7. Added breeds to the list of poultry and 'breeds in transition to native status' that are considered to be at particular risk in the event of an outbreak of exotic disease.

  8. We have updated the FAnGR register of at-risk breeds of cattle, horses and ponies, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry.

  9. Updated the FAnGR register of at-risk breeds of cattle, horses and ponies, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry.

  10. Replaced the 'Definition of a breed for the purpose of the UK National Breed Inventory' document and updated the definition of a native breed within the 'UK breeds at risk list' document.

  11. Added Poultry to the UK breeds at risk list (BAR) and Annex to the BAR list for breeds in transition to native status.

  12. Added Highland breed to the cattle list and statement on removing any breed at risks from BAR register.

  13. Updated with the latest information (September 2017).

  14. First published.

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