
25 September 2023: Joint minutes of the first meeting of the UK-Central America customs, trade facilitation and rules of origin sub-committee

Updated 14 March 2025

The first meeting of the sub-committee on customs, trade facilitation and rules of origin under the agreement establishing an association between the United Kingdom (UK) and Central America (CA) took place on 25 September 2023, via written correspondence.

1. Adoption of the agenda

The UK and CA agreed to hold the customs, trade facilitation and rules of origin sub-committee via written correspondence.

The parties both formally agreed to the agenda and to the written exchange of information under each item as required, which was initiated on 25 September 2023.

2. Rules of origin

Item 1. Revision of Decisions No. 1/2020 and No. 2/2020, issued within the framework of the Association Agreement between the European Union and Central America, for their adaptation and subscription.

Item 2. Revision of the rules of origin resulting from the Harmonized System (HS) 2022.

Regarding items 1 and 2, Central American countries raised decisions taken with the European Union for UK consideration and incorporation into the United Kingdom-Central America Association Agreement (UK-CAAA). 

These decisions concern the update of the product specific rules of origin for the HS to reflect the 2012, 2017 and 2022 changes (Decisions No. 1/2020 and No. 1/2023) and Explanatory Notes regarding the Movement Certificate EUR.1, invoice declaration, approved exporter and verification of proof of origin (Decision No. 2/2020).

CA submitted the base proposal regarding the update of the product specific rules of origin for the HS 2022. The UK confirmed it has received this proposal.

Regarding the explanatory notes proposal, CA confirmed they are adjusting these documents for their submission to the UK for their discussion and adoption. The UK looked forward to receiving the proposal.

2.1 Agreements

  • CA agreed to send the UK the proposal concerning Explanatory Notes regarding the Movement Certificate EUR.1, invoice declaration, approved exporter and verification of proof of origin

  • CA agreed to send the UK further information regarding the proposal for the update to the HS 2022 of Appendix 2 and 2 A of Annex II

  • UK must review the proposals sent by CA

3. Customs cooperation and trade facilitation

3.1 Recent developments on customs legislation and procedures in UK

The UK shared information regarding recent developments in customs legislation and procedures.

The UK gave details of customs measures related to the 2023 Spring Budget and the 2025 Border Strategy and explained the Border Target Operating Model to CA.

The UK also shared information pertaining to the Customs Declaration Service (CDS).

3.2 Recent developments on Customs legislation and procedures in Central American Republics

CA submitted a report on the status and progress of customs legislation and procedures, which was elaborated by the Secretariat for Central American Economic Integration (SIECA).

This report included information pertaining to reimbursement of import duties, the single administrative document, and harmonised customs legislation.

3.3 UK’s Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations

The UK updated CA on its current live FTA negotiations.

3.4 Central America’s FTA negotiations

CA updated the UK on each CA member state’s FTA negotiations, as well as negotiations recently completed.

4. Any other business

4.1 Updates on mutual administrative assistance: exchange of contact points

The UK and CA exchanged contact points for mutual administrative assistance in customs matters.

4.2 Electronic certificates of origin

The UK introduced the topic of electronic certificates of origin (eCoOs) to CA. The UK explained that they accepted reciprocal action to manage the impacts of COVID-19 by accepting upon importation the origin certificates for preferential tariff purposes in the form of a copy issued on paper or electronically.

The UK states its belief that this measure should remain in place permanently, and asked Central American countries to independently confirm if they are currently accepting/able to accept electronic certificates of origin under the UK-CAAA.

CA explained that it is currently consulting the institutions or competent authorities that issue EUR.1 certificates and the customs authorities that receive customs documents about their experience in the use of EUR.1 electronic certificates.

5. Agreements and closing remarks

The UK and CA agreed to continue discussions regarding the topic of eCoOs.

The UK and CA thanked each other for a productive exchange of information and committed to keeping in touch regarding both outstanding matters resulting from the meeting of sub-committee, and other issues which arise regarding the implementation of the UK-CA Agreement.