
16 to 20 October 2023: Joint minutes of first Technical Barriers to Trade subcommittee meeting

Updated 14 March 2025

Hosted through correspondence.

Items and responses

1. Response to Agenda Item 1: introduction of the delegations and approval of the agenda

i. The Parties agreed the sub-committee agenda and shared contact details of their respective delegations.

2. Response to Agenda Item 2: current situation of the Technical Regulations listed in the incorporated Annex XX

i. Central America provided an update on progress towards implementation of the Technical Regulations listed in the incorporated Annex XX of the UK-Central America Agreement, as required under Article 305 of that agreement. Central America stated that 21 of the 23 Central American Technical Regulations (RTCAs) listed in Annex XX had been harmonised, equating to 91% progress.

ii. Panama provided a separate update on their harmonisation of RTCAs which stated that the implementation of four RTCAs is still pending.

iii. The United Kingdom thanked Central America and Panama for providing their update, and acknowledged the positive progress made with respect to the harmonisation of RTCAs.

3. Response to Agenda Item 3: exchange of information regarding technical regulations from both parties

i. The United Kingdom and Central America provided links to official websites where technical regulations that apply in their respective territories can be found.

ii. The United Kingdom and Central America also exchanged a non-exhaustive list of each other’s Competent Authorities.

iii. El Salvador asked whether United Kingdom technical regulations are applicable to all of its territories. The United Kingdom responded by giving information on how Technical Regulations are applied in their devolved administrations, crown dependencies, and overseas territories.

iv. Costa Rica requested information on certain Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) related topics and enquired about training opportunities with the United Kingdom.

  • The United Kingdom responded to Costa Rica’s questions stating that the United Kingdom are open to providing further information on the topics raised by Costa Rica following the conclusion of the subcommittee.

  • The United Kingdom also stated they are open to providing TBT-related training with Costa Rica, subject to consultation with, and agreement by, the relevant United Kingdom government departments and agencies.

  • The United Kingdom asked Costa Rica to provide more specific information on some of the questions they had asked the United Kingdom.

  • Costa Rica and the United Kingdom agreed to continue the discussion following the conclusion of the Subcommittee.

4. Response to Agenda Item 4: exchange of information on initiatives, and relevant amendments to Technical Regulation regarding agricultural products, medicines, food and beverages, among other relevant points of interest

i. Central America provided information on a Technical Regulation that has recently been subject to an international public consultation at the World Trade Organization (WTO). This Technical Regulation was the ‘67.04.79:23 DAIRY PRODUCTS. YOGURT (YOGURT, YOGURTH, YOGHURT, YOGOURT). SPECIFICATIONS.’

ii. Central America also provided advance notice that a Technical Regulation on processed meat products was currently being negotiated amongst the Central America countries.

iii. Central America invited the United Kingdom to review the official websites of their members to access national Technical Regulations of each Central American country.

5. Response to Agenda Item 5: notifications

i. Central America stated that they notify relevant changes to their national and regional regulations to the Committee on TBT and to the Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures of the WTO.

ii. The United Kingdom did not have any notifications of interest to raise at this Subcommittee.

6. Response to Agenda Item 6: cooperation and technical assistance

i. The United Kingdom welcomed future opportunities for cooperation with Central America on Technical Barriers to Trade.

ii. Central America indicated that they are interested in training on relevant technical regulations in the United Kingdom for products such as:

  • food and beverages

  • pharmaceuticals

  • cosmetics and hygiene

iii. The United Kingdom stated that they are open to considering offering training on relevant technical regulations for the products listed by Central America, subject to consultation with, and agreement by, the relevant United Kingdom government departments and agencies.

7. Response to Agenda Item 7: contact points Central America – United Kingdom

i. The parties exchanged information on TBT contact points.

8. Response to Agenda Item 8: preparation and review of minutes

i. All Parties agreed on the minutes which can be published by all the Parties on their official media.