Corporate report

UK defence in numbers 2022: sources

Published 22 February 2023

This was published under the 2022 to 2024 Sunak Conservative government

UK Defence in Numbers 2022 provides figures from a wide range of published official statistics and other releases, as well as numbers published for the first time. Further information on the sources of the statistics can be found below. Additional Defence statistics can be found via the Statistics at MOD pages on

Defence Spending

Page 6:

Page 7: Global defence budgets: IISS Military Balance 2022. All prices are presented in US Dollars, which were calculated using average market exchange rates for 2021, derived using IMF data.

Page 8: Breakdown of defence expenditure: Departmental Resources 2022, Table 3 in associated Open Data Source tables.

Page 9: R&D Spending: Departmental Resources 2022, Table 5 in associated Open Data Source tables. Details on regional breakdowns and specific projects were produced by sources within MOD.

Where we spend our money

Page 10: MOD spending with UK Industry: MOD Regional Expenditure with UK Industry and Commerce and Supported Employment 2021/22, Table 6 in associated Open Data Source tables.

Page 11: Jobs supported by MOD spending with industry: MOD Regional Expenditure with UK Industry and Commerce and Supported Employment 2020/21, Table 12 in associated Open Data Source tables. To note, figures for jobs supported in 2021/22 will be available later in the summer.

Page 12: Key MOD suppliers: Trade, Industry and Contracts 2022, Table 4a in the associated Open Data Source tables.

Page 13: Foreign Military Sales with the US Government: Trade, Industry and Contracts 2022, Table 9 in the associated Open Data Source tables.

Page 14: Defence Exports: Department for International Trade Defence and Security Organisation, UK Defence and Security Export Figures 2021, Chart 7.

Page 15: Planned expenditure on equipment and support: Defence Equipment Plan 2022-2032, page 25.

Our People

Page 17:

Page 18: Location of UK Regulars and Civilian personnel: Location Statistics for UK Regular Armed Forces and Civilians 2022, Table 2.1a in associated Open Data Source tables

Page 20-21: Global locations of UK Regulars: Location Statistics for UK Regular Armed Forces and Civilians 2022, Table 1.1a in associated Open Data Source tables

Page 22: MOD Civilian Professions: Civil Service Statistics 2022, Table 8 in associated Open Data Source tables.

Page 23:

  • Apprentices: The percentage offerings of apprenticeships are drawn from the MOD Annual Report and Accounts 2021/22, page 48. The latest figures as at 1 October 2022 have been produced by sources within MOD. The figures include all apprenticeship places taken up that meet the Skills Funding Agency definition for an apprenticeship. While these numbers have been quality assured, they have not undergone the full quality assurance process that would be used for official statistics
  • Cadets: MOD Sponsored Cadet Forces Statistics 2022. The total cadets number is based on the sum of the Community Cadets (Table 1) and the number of Cadets in the Combined Cadet Force (Table 4).

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Page 25: Armed Forces Service Leavers: Career Transition Partnership annual statistics, 2020/21, Table 5 in associated Open Data Source tables.


Page 26: MOD’s performance against Greening Government Commitments: MOD Annual Report and Accounts 2021/22, page 56

Defence Activities

Page 28:

  • Figures on MOD activities can be found in the MOD Annual Report and Accounts 2021/22; Military Aid to Civil Authorities (MACA), Page 20. Armed Forces contribution during the COVID-19 pandemic detailed on Page 7.
  • Deployments on UN Peacekeeping operations: Troop and Police Contributors, as at 31 October 2022. Mission in Mali – MINUSMA; mission in Cyprus – UNFICYP

Page 29: Royal Funeral: Armed Forces personnel involved in the Royal Funeral were produced by sources within MOD.

Page 30-31: Continuous At Sea Deterrence: The Royal Navy.

Page 32-32: Support to Ukraine: Various sources, including MOD Annual Report and Accounts 2021/22 (page 6) and the House of Commons Library. Figures on lethal and non-lethal aid provided by the UK were produced by sources within MOD.

Page 34: MOD expenditure on Operations: Departmental Resources 2022, Table 6 in associated Open Data Source tables.

Further Information

Produced by Analysis Directorate (Analysis-Expenditure)


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