Policy paper

Agreement on Defence co-operation between the Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Federal Ministry of Defence of the Federal Republic of Germany

Published 23 October 2024

The Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Federal Ministry of Defence of the Federal Republic of Germany, hereinafter referred to as “The Participants”, or individually as “The Participant”.

Understand that their respective defence policies are founded on common interests, values, and responsibilities.

They are convinced that greater bilateral defence co-operation strengthens the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), which remains the cornerstone of their collective defence and the forum for its implementation.

Steadfast in their mutual commitment to strengthen the defence of Europe bilaterally, within NATO, and alongside other Allies and partners.

Determined to address strategic challenges, promote international peace and security, ensure collective security, deter potential aggressors, and counter threats.

They endeavour to enhance the interoperability, interchangeability, and integration of their armed forces.

Unequivocal that a technological and industrial defence base which is robust and competitive is a strategic and an economic necessity for Europe as a whole, as well as the two Participants.

Have come to the following understanding:

Section 1 – Objectives

1. The Participants, building on the existing co-operation between their respective defence communities and armed forces, will build a long-term partnership with the aims of:

(i) reinforcing the security of the Euro-Atlantic region, recognising that long-term European defence is key to the security of both Participants

(ii) supporting the Defence Industries of the two Participants, enhancing co-operation in research and technology, and developing co-operative equipment programmes

(iii) enhancing bilateral interoperability between their respective armed forces across all domains, and working together to strengthen standardisation in NATO

(iv) ensuring their mutual support for actions in the area of defence in the United Nations and NATO, and bolstering complementary co-operation between NATO and the European Union

(v) co-ordinating long-term military support for Allies and partners, fostering stability and bolstering defence capability to support all mutual allies in addressing threats to their territories

Section 2 - Management of Co-operation

1. Defence co-operation under the provisions of this Agreement will be directed and coordinated through meetings between the Secretary of State for Defence and the Federal Minister of Defence and supporting senior leadership, such as Chiefs of Defence as required; hereinafter referred to as the Defence Ministerial Council. The Defence Ministerial Council will oversee the Military Steering Committee, Ministerial Group on Equipment and Capability Co-operation (MECC) and Defence Policy Dialogue.

2. The Defence Ministerial Council will take its decisions by consensus. It will exercise oversight of all co-operation, determining the mutual long-term aims and priorities, as well as identifying new areas for co-operation. It will resolve issues and disputes which may arise in the context of the implementation of co-operation under this Agreement.

Section 3 - Delivery of Co-operation

1. Enhanced co-operation between the Participants will be achieved by three primary fora, reporting to the Defence Ministerial Council, and supported by detailed working groups and military staff talks. These will be: the Military Steering Committee, which will oversee co-operation between the Participants’ armed forces and drive interoperability; the MECC, which will pursue industrial and military capability co-operation; and the Defence Policy Dialogue, which will pursue close dialogue on defence policy, key defence issues, and global horizon-scanning.

2. The strengthening of co-operation and interoperability between the armed forces of both Participants across all domains will be overseen by a joint Military Steering Committee; this will be underpinned by senior staff talks and dialogues across armed services, as decided by the Participants. The Military Steering Committee will drive interoperability, military doctrine development, and high-level exchanges on defence issues.

3. The strengthening of defence capability and industrial co-operation will be overseen by the MECC, which will continue to pursue industrial and capability co-operation through a long-term joint approach with the objective of delivering effective military equipment in the most efficient manner, minimising national constraints, and strengthening industrial competitiveness.

4. The strengthening of policy co-operation and collaboration will be overseen by a Defence Policy Dialogue meeting, which will meet regularly to exchange views, information, and knowledge on defence policy, including close dialogue on key defence issues of mutual interest and global horizon-scanning. This will include a dedicated sub-group on nuclear issues, in a shared format with Foreign Ministries.

5. The Military Steering Committee, MECC, and the Defence Policy Dialogue, referred to in Paragraphs 1-4 above, will each meet at regular intervals as decided by the Participants.

The Participants may decide to enter into written agreements or arrangements to implement specific aspects of their co-operation under this Agreement.

Section 5 - Costs and Benefits

1. The Participants will share equitably all costs and benefits incurred as a result of their involvement in the totality of co-operation under this agreement, unless otherwise provided for in related agreements or arrangements.

2. Where entering into contracts for all required materials, equipment and services is necessary to fulfil a Participant’s tasks under this agreement, respective laws and procedures will apply to these contracts to the extent applicable.

Section 6 - Information

The Participants will use, transmit, store, handle, safeguard, and dispose of all the classified information exchanged or generated in connection with this Agreement in accordance with applicable security arrangements established between the Participants and any other applicable NATO instruments.

Section 7 - Settlement of Disputes

Any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of the present Agreement will be settled through negotiation between the Participants, through diplomatic channels.

Section 8 - Entry into Effect, Duration, and Termination

1. This Agreement will enter into effect on the date of signature and will remain in effect until termination in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Section.

2. Either Participant may terminate this Agreement at any time. It should give prior written notice to the other Participant through diplomatic channels ninety (90) days beforehand.

Section 9 - Amendments

This Agreement may be amended at any time, in writing, by the consent of both Participants with such amendments coming into effect on the date of last signature.

Section 10 - Status of the Agreement

This Agreement is not considered a treaty under international law and does not create any legally binding rights or obligations.

Section 11 - Other Defence and Security Agreements

The provisions of this Agreement will not affect the rights and obligations of each Participant under other defence and security agreements to which it is a Party.

Section 12 - Signature

This Agreement is signed in duplicate, in the English language.

For the Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: For the Federal Ministry of Defence of the Federal Republic of Germany:
John Healey, Secretary of State for Defence Boris Pistorius, Federal Minister of Defence