25 November 2021: UK-Japan CEPA Committee on Government Procurement – joint minutes
Updated 4 February 2025
UK hosted virtually 25 November 2021
The first meeting of the Specialised Committee on Government Procurement under the UK-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) took place on 25 November 2021 via videoconference.
1. Opening remarks and introductions
Following introductions, both Parties welcomed each other and expressed hopes for a productive discussion to further deepen mutual understanding on the topic of government procurement and to strengthen already-strong mutual cooperation on trade in other international fora.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
The agenda was adopted.
3. Sharing understanding of Rules of Procedure
The Specialised Committee noted that the UK and Japan had agreed to provisionally apply the UK-JP Joint Committee’s Rules of Procedure (RoP) in this Specialised Committee until the Joint Committee had met and formally adopted the RoP. The Specialised Committee agreed to apply the Joint Committee RoP mutatis mutandis once they have been adopted.
4. Procurement policy update
Both Parties provided updates on their domestic government procurement policy. Japan presented on four areas of domestic policy: actions taken to implement the CEPA, voluntary measures on government procurement, Green Procurement, and promoting women’s economic empowerment through procurement. The UK presented its policy on social value in government procurement, explaining how the assessment of tenders for public contracts created an opportunity to achieve broader social value outcomes. The UK and Japan both acknowledged the importance of adhering to the principle of non-discrimination when formulating domestic procurement policies. Both Parties agreed to respond to questions in writing following the Specialised Committee.
5. Discussion of 2021 UK update to Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) schedules and their relationship with the CEPA
The UK provided an update to the Specialised Committee on the 2021 update to its market access schedules at the GPA and how these applied to the CEPA. Both Parties agreed there was no further action to take given CEPA Article 10.14 provides that GPA Article XIX updates are automatically effective for the CEPA, and the UK agreed to re-share with Japan its final GPA Article XIX notification for information.
6. Information on single online procurement portals
Each Party delivered a presentation on their single online procurement portal in order to share information about how public contracts were advertised in their market. Japan’s Ministry for Economy, Trade, and Industry explained the functionality of their online procurement portal, which is facilitated by the Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO), and the UK’s Cabinet Office demonstrated the Find a Tender website (FTS), active since 1 January 2021. Both Parties found these presentations valuable and agreed to respond to questions in writing following the Specialised Committee, as well as to continue technical discussions at working level to deepen collaboration in this area further.
7. Any other business
Both Parties agreed to aim to hold the second Specialised Committee on Government Procurement in roughly one year’s time, with Japan expressing hope that this could be hosted in-person in Japan.
8. Closing remarks
The UK and Japan Co-Chairs expressed gratitude for the productive dialogue and their hopes for further cooperation in this area in the future following this first constructive Specialised Committee on Government Procurement.