
20 December 2024: UK-Japan CEPA Joint Committee amendments to annex 14-B on geographical indications – decision no 2/2024

Updated 4 February 2025




of 28 November 2024

on the amendments to Annex 14-B on geographical indications


Having regard to the Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Japan for a Comprehensive Economic Partnership (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”), and in particular Articles 14.34 and 23.2 thereof,


(l) The Agreement entered into force on 1 January 2021.

(2) Within the framework of the Committee on Intellectual Property, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (hereinafter referred to as “the United Kingdom”) and Japan (hereinafter referred to collectively as “the Parties”) confirmed that the Joint Committee will consider up to 77 names from the United Kingdom and from Japan respectively to be protected as geographical indications (hereinafter referred to as “GIs”) and added in Annex 14-B of the Agreement, provided that those names are protected as GIs domestically.

(3) In the last amendment, which entered into force on 29 February 2024, in accordance with Article 14.34 of the Agreement, 38 GIs of Japan and 37 GIs of the United Kingdom were added in Annex 14-B of the Agreement.

(4) Following the request of the Parties and pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 14.34, the United Kingdom has completed the opposition procedure and the examination of 39 additional Gls of Japan and Japan has completed the opposition procedure and the examination of 39 additional GIs of the United Kingdom.

(5) On 20 November 2024, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 14.61 of the

Agreement, the Committee on Intellectual Property recommended to the Joint

Committee to amend Annex 14-B to the Agreement accordingly.

(6) The Parties completed their internal procedures necessary for adoption of the Decision by the Joint Committee under the Agreement, and endeavour to exchange the diplomatic notes acknowledging the amendments and the date of entry into force of the amendments to the Agreement not more than ten working days after the Decision is adopted.

(7) Consequently, Annex 14-B to the Agreement should be amended, in accordance with paragraph 3 and subparagraph 4(h) of Article 24.2 of the Agreement.


Article 1

a) In Section A of Part 1 (GIs for agricultural products) of Annex 14-B to the Agreement, the GIs listed in Annex 1 to this Decision shall be added to the list of GIs of the United Kingdom.

b) In Section B of Part 1 (GIs for agricultural products) of Annex 14-B to the Agreement, the GIs listed in Annex 2 to this Decision shall be added to the list of GIs of Japan.

c) In Section A of Part 2 (GIs for wine, spirits and other alcoholic beverages) of Annex 14-B to the Agreement, the GIs listed in Annex 3 to this Decision shall be added to the list of GIs of the United Kingdom.

d) In Section B of Part 2 (GIs for wine, spirits and other alcoholic beverages) of Annex 14-B to the Agreement, the GIs listed in Annex 4 to this Decision shall be added to the list of Gls of Japan.

Article 2

This Decision together with the Annexes to this Decision, which form an integral part thereof, is drawn up in duplicate in the authentic languages provided for in Article 24J of the Agreement, both texts being equally authentic.

Article 3

This Decision shall be implemented by the Parties as referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 23.2 of the Agreement. The amendments to the Agreement adopted through this Decision shall enter into force by the exchange of diplomatic notes in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 24.2 of the Agreement.

For the Joint Committee,

Co-Chair [for Japan]                               Co-Chair [for the United Kingdom]

Annex 1: list of GIs for agricultural products of the United Kingdom

Name to be protected Transcription into Japanese (for information purposes) Category of good and short description [in square brackets, for information purpose]
Armagh Bramley Apple アーマー・ブラムリー・アップル Fruit, vegetables and cereals, fresh or processed [apple]
Ayrshire New Potatoes / Ayrshire Earlies エアシャー・ニュー・ポテト / エアシャー・アーリーズ Fruit, vegetables and cereals, fresh or processed [potatoes]
Beacon Fell Traditional Lancashire Cheese ビーコン・フェル・トラディショナル・ランカシャー・チーズ Cheeses [hard cow milk cheese]
Bonchester Cheese ボンチェスター・チーズ Cheeses [soft cow milk cheese]
Buxton Blue バクストン・ブルー Cheeses [semi-soft cow milk cheese]
Cambrian Mountains Lamb カンブリアン・マウンテン・ラム Fresh meat (and offal) [lamb]
Carmarthen Ham カーマーゼン・ハム Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) [pork ham]
Cornish Sardines コーニッシュ・サーディン Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived therefrom [sardine]
Dovedale Cheese ダブデール・チーズ Cheeses [soft cow milk cheese]
Fal Oyster ファル・オイスター Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived therefrom [oyster]
Fenland Celery フェンランド・セロリ Fruit, vegetables and cereals, fresh or processed [celery]
Gower Salt Marsh Lamb ガワー・ソルト・マーシュ・ラム Fresh meat (and offal) [lamb]
Lakeland Herdwick レイクランド・ハードウィック Fresh meat (and offal) [lamb]
New Forest Pannage Ham ニュー・フォレスト・パンネージ・ハム Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) [pork ham]
New Season Comber Potatoes / Comber Earlies ニュー・シーズン・コンバー・ポテト / コンバー・アーリーズ Fruit, vegetables and cereals, fresh or processed [potatoes]
Newmarket Sausage ニューマーケット・ソーセージ Meat products (cooked, salted, smoked, etc.) [pork sausage]
Orkney Beef オークニー・ビーフ Fresh meat (and offal) [beef]
Orkney Lamb オークニー・ラム Fresh meat (and offal) [lamb]
Scottish Wild Salmon スコティッシュ・ワイルド・サーモン Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived therefrom [salmon]
Shetland Lamb シェットランド・ラム Fresh meat (and offal) [lamb]
Swaledale Ewes Cheese スウェイルデール・ユーズ・チーズ Cheeses [hard sheep milk cheese]
Teviotdale Cheese テヴィオットデール・チーズ Cheeses [hard cow milk cheese]
The Vale of Clwyd Denbigh Plum ザ・ベール・オブ・クルーイド・デンビー・プラム Fruit, vegetables and cereals, fresh or processed [plum]
Vale of Evesham Asparagus ベール・オブ・イブシャム・アスパラガス Fruit, vegetables and cereals, fresh or processed [asparagus]
Welsh Leeks ウェルシュ・リーキ Fruit, vegetables and cereals, fresh or processed [leek]
West Wales Coracle Caught Salmon ウェスト・ウェールズ・コラクル・コート・サーモン Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived therefrom [salmon]
Whitstable Oysters ウィスタブル・オイスター Fresh fish, molluscs, and crustaceans and products derived therefrom [oyster]
Yorkshire Forced Rhubarb ヨークシャー・フォースト・ルバーブ Fruit, vegetables and cereals, fresh or processed [rhubarb]

Annex 2 : list of GIs for agricultural products of Japan

Name to be protected Transcription into Latin alphabet (for information purposes) Category of good and short description [in square brackets, for information purpose]
吉川ナス / Yoshikawa Nasu / Yoshikawa Eggplant Yoshikawa Nasu Agricultural product [eggplant]
新里ねぎ / NISSATO GREEN ONION Nissato Negi Agricultural product [green onion]
ひばり野オクラ Hibarino Okra Agricultural product [okra]
浄法寺漆 / Joboji Urushi Joboji Urushi Lacquer
今金男しゃく / Imakane Danshaku Imakane Danshaku Agricultural product [potato]
大野あさり / Ono Asari Ono Asari Marine product [clam]
大鰐温泉もやし / Owanionsen Moyashi Owanionsen Moyashi Agricultural product [bean sprouts]
大竹いちじく / Otake Ichijiku Otake Ichijiku Agricultural product [fig]
八代生姜 / Yatsushiro Shoga / Yatsushiro Ginger Yatsushiro Shoga Agricultural product [ginger]
福山のくわい / Fukuyama no Kuwai Fukuyama no Kuwai Agricultural product [arrowhead]
山形ラ・フランス / Yamagata La France Yamagata La France Agricultural product [pear]
徳地やまのいも / Tokuji Yamanoimo Tokuji Yamanoimo Agricultural product [Japanese yam]
えらぶゆり / ERABU LILY / Erabu Yuri Erabu Yuri Plants for ornamental purposes  [lily]
西浦みかん寿太郎 / Nishiura Mikan Jutaro Nishiura Mikan Jutaro Agricultural product [mandarin (citrus)]
河北せり / Kahoku Dropwort / Kahoku Seri Kahoku Seri Agricultural product [dropwort]
清水森ナンバ / Shimizumori Red Pepper / Shimizumori Green Pepper / Shimizumori Namba Shimizumori Namba Agricultural product [pepper] Seasonings [pepper]
甲子柿 / KASSHI GAKI / KASSHI KAKI / KASSHI PERSIMMON Kasshi Gaki / Kasshi Kaki Agricultural product [Japanese persimmon]
わかやま布引だいこん / Wakayama Nunohiki Daikon Wakayama Nunohiki Daikon Agricultural product [Japanese white radish (daikon)]
大口れんこん / Okuchi Renkon Okuchi Renkon Agricultural product [lotus root]
氷見稲積梅 / Himi Inazumiume Himi Inazumiume Agricultural product [Ume (Japanese apricot)]
種子島安納いも / TANEGASHIMA ANNOU SWEETPOTATO / Tanegashima Annou Imo Tanegashima Annou Imo Agricultural product [sweet potato]
はかた地どり / Hakata Jidori Hakata Jidori Fresh Meat [chicken, offal meat]
ところピンクにんにく / Tokoro Pink Ninniku / TOKORO PINK GARLIC Tokoro Pink Ninniku Agricultural product [garlic]
伊達のあんぽ柿 / DATE NO ANPO GAKI / DATE NO ANPO KAKI Date no Anpo Gaki / Date no Anpo Kaki Processed agricultural product [Dried Japanese persimmon]
サヌキ白みそ / sanuki shiro miso Sanuki Shiro Miso Seasonings [miso paste]
たむらのエゴマ油 / Tamura no egoma oil / Tamura no egoma abura Tamura no Egoma Abura Oil and fats [perilla oil]
飛騨牛 / Hidagyu / Hida Beef Hida Gyu Fresh Meat [beef]
阿波尾鶏 / Awaodori Awaodori Fresh Meat [chicken, offal meat]
十勝ラクレット / Tokachi Raclette Tokachi Raclette Processed livestock product [cheese]
徳島すだち / Tokushima Sudachi Tokushima Sudachi Agricultural product [Sudachi (citrus)]
深蒸し菊川茶 / 菊 川深蒸し茶 / Kikugawa deep steamed green tea / Deep steamed Kikugawa tea / Fukamushi Kikugawacha / Kikugawa Fukamushicha Fukamushi Kikugawacha / Kikugawa Fukamushicha Processed agricultural product [tea leaves]
行方かんしょ / Namegata Kansho / Namegata Sweet Potato Namegata Kansho Agricultural product [sweet potato]

Annex 3: list of GIs for wine, spirits and other alcoholic beverages of the United Kingdom

Name to be protected Transcription into Japanese (for information purposes) Category of good and short description [in square brackets, for information purpose]
Darnibole ダーニボール Wine
Gloucestershire cider グロスターシャー・シードル Other products of Annex I to the TFEU (spices etc.) [fermented beverages (cider)]
Gloucestershire perry グロスターシャー・ペリー Other products of Annex I to the TFEU (spices etc.) [fermented beverages (perry)]
Rutland Bitter ラトランド・ビター Beers
Single Malt Welsh Whisky / Wisgi Cymreig Brag Sengl / Wysgi Cymreig Brag Sengl / Chwisgi Cymreig Brag Sengl シングル・モルト・ウェルシュ・ウィスキー  / ウィスキー・カムリ・ブラック・センガル / ヒウィスキー・カムリ・ブラック・センガル Spirits
Sussex サセックス Wine
Traditional Welsh Cider トラディショナル・ウェルシュ・シードル Other products of Annex I to the TFEU (spices etc.) [fermented beverages (cider)]
Traditional Welsh Perry トラディショナル・ウェルシュ・ペリー Other products of Annex I to the TFEU (spices etc.) [fermented beverages (perry)]
Worcestershire cider ウスターシャー・シードル Other products of Annex I to the TFEU (spices etc.) [fermented beverages (cider)]
Worcestershire perry ウスターシャー・ペリー Other products of Annex I to the TFEU (spices etc.) [fermented beverages (perry)]

Annex 4: list of GIs for wine, spirits and other alcoholic beverages of Japan

Name to be protected Transcription into Latin alphabet (for information purposes) Category of good and short description [in square brackets, for information purpose]
佐賀 Saga Seishu (Sake)
大阪 Osaka Wine
長野 Nagano Wine
長野 Nagano Seishu (Sake)
山形 Yamagata Wine
新潟 Niigata Seishu (Sake)
滋賀 Shiga Seishu (Sake)